The Grand Dueler | 16

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Vayne remained tied in that basement for the next twenty hours without any signs of help coming at her rescue. As time passed by, she was growing more and more desperate. It wasn't like she couldn't break free and run for her life, it was that if she did, then all this would go completely in vain. In order to accomplish this mission, she needed outside help. Help that didn't seem to be coming, which was only rendering her nervous as the hours passed in a torturing pace.

She had made the calculations over and over again. She could take all the guards out of the way swiftly and quietly but her major problem was Camille. The Program had already managed to capture her once and Vayne was sure it wouldn't hesitate to kill if it came to that. And dying right now by a Program would be such a great waste for her. On the other hand, she suspected Norman would try to torture her to get information before handing her out to PROJECT Inc. if he was a clever guy. And there was no doubt that he wasn't. This was the last thing Vayne wanted so she had to take action. She had to fight her way out.

She decided that she would deal with the guards first. It would be easier and faster. Then she'd deal with Camille. She needed to figure out a way to stay away from her sharpened legs that reminded of scissors. It was a miracle how it could even stand in the first place. Without her crossbow it was almost impossible to defeat the Program. Perhaps she could delay it somehow and then run off. Fighting head to head wasn't ideal in this particular situation. So, she waited like a predator awaits for their prey. She still got another four hours ahead of her and patience was always awarding.

The basement remained dark and quiet, with the only lights being on Vayne. However, this wasn't a problem for her, acquiring that enhanced vision that differentiated her from common humans. She could see the guards' figures as well as she could had seen them in the daylight. They were armed but this wouldn't be a problem for her if she was quick enough.

A knock came on the metal door that separated the basement from the rest of the world which startled the guards, peaking Vayne's curiosity. They probably weren't expecting any visitors down here, taking into consideration the orders their boss had given. Camille, however, kept her gaze locked on Vayne. The guards shared confused looks with one another until one of them found the guts to approach the door. He peeked over his shoulders at his companions, asking for consent to do so. They nodded in approval, remaining on alert with their guns ready.

"Who's there?" The guard asked at the door but received no response. "I'm warning you, I'm armed and I won't hesitate to shoot."

Still no response. Then, the guard opened the door slowly, preparing himself to shoot but he was too slow for the upcoming blade that slushed through him. It was so quick that it could easily been missed by an untrained eye, like those of the guards', who hadn't at first understood that their partner was already dead. Only Camille did, but even her response time was too slow for the swift pink-neon blade that burst through the basement, slushing through the rest of the guards swiftly. Only the last of them made a desperate attempt to survive, shooting at nothing more than the floor before he dropped dead. The blade's next target was Camille who wouldn't be as easy as the guards.

The Program attacked the dueler, trying to cut her throat open with her sharp legs, but the only thing she managed to do was to clash with the blade. She tried again but Fiora blocked. The dance of blades continued on for a while until the PROJECT finally got through Camille's guard and thrust her blade across the Program's chest, putting an end to its functioning and allowing to fall lifelessly on the ground. Fiora withdrew her blade and gazed over at the tied up Vayne.

"Took you long enough," The Night Hunter spoke first.

"My apologies. It was slightly difficult to determine the coordinates I received. Plus, it took me a while to discover this basement," Fiora responded casually as she walked over her. The chains that kept Vayne tied down on the chair fell groggily to the ground with a simple hit by Fiora. Vayne stood up, rubbing her wrists.

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