Shauna Vayne | 15

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Piltover fell in a deep sleep when the moon rose in the sky. Seemingly there were no signs of life for most citizens had withdrawn back in the safety of their apartments. The sprawling city gave vibes of a ghost town, but if you'd pay closer attention you'd realize it really wasn't. 

Darkness had always been Shauna Vayne's best friend. For as long as she could remember, she always worked in the dark. Nowadays the dark veil of night was her primal protector from her enemies. Vayne could always feel safe when she was hidden in the dark. 

Tonight it wasn't the case. 

She wondered why she was even doing this. She was being yet another pawn for G/NETIC's games, willingly or not. It all started as a favor for Vi, but Vayne was well aware that the cop wouldn't be asking her something so extreme if it wasn't involved with Ezreal's case. She tried to remind herself why she had agreed on searching for one of the most dangerous Godfathers the city had ever had. 

The search hadn't been very fruitful at first. Norman Rose was basically a ghost man, but so was Vito Randall, according to Vi, and yet he had been caught. The cop was determined Vayne could find him. She wasn't wrong. It had took her awhile but the Night Haunter had indeed managed to locate Norman Rose's whereabouts. The rat was hiding outside Piltover, far away and hidden from civilization, living in luxury. Not that Vayne had expected anything less from a criminal of his size. 

Tonight Vayne had managed to come closer than she had ever been to his manor. It hadn't been easy. The entire area was heavily guarded not only by humans but also from Programs; a very specific design of robots called “Camille”. Camille was mainly an assassin but she could play the bodyguard role just as effectively. A real thorn in Vayne's sides. She was the main reason why she couldn't approach the manor in the first place. Surprisingly, Camille was nowhere to be found tonight, which was odd, but gave Vayne the opportunity she was looking for and she had jumped straight at it. 

Her enhanced vision allowed her to inspect the security around the place. After a week of doing so, she knew which places to avoid and which places served as good hiding places if she wanted to come any closer. She still wasn't sure how exactly she'd enter the building since there were a lot of things that could go wrong. However, Camille's absence gave her the right opportunity even if it meant risking everything. She couldn't tell when she was going to get another chance like this. Vayne was cautious enough not to play around with her luck. 

Tonight was the night. 

The manor was surrounded by a huge wall, up to four meters high. The wall wasn't even close to being one of Vayne's main problems. She could easily jump over it. The issues began after the wall. The yard was huge, filled with armed guards. The only thing that could offer some protection was the extensive presence of plants in the garden, especially that fence made out of bushes that lead towards the main entrance and sprawled all around the yard, creating a sort of labyrinth, and her ability to turn invisible for a brief moment. It was risky and the chances of getting caught were high, but Vayne was sure she wouldn't get another opportunity like that. She decided to proceed with the plan. 

As predicted, the wall wasn't much of a big deal for someone like Vayne. Any other human being wouldn't be able to jump as high as she did and grab onto the edge of the three meter wall, pull themselves up and roll over the other side silently. She drew her crossbow and remained on the alert as she walked around crouching. All of her senses were on the alert as she slowly approached the massive building. Once again, her enhanced vision assisted her in locating all of the guards and avoiding them as much as possible. She wouldn't want to bump into someone and have to kill him. Even this could create a bigger fuss than necessary and ultimately would lead to her being discovered. As she came closer to the manor, the number of guards increased significantly. Vayne was obligated to use her special power to pass through them successfully. Her invisibility was such a great gift, her creators wouldn't even realize. Eventually, she managed to come close to the building without being detected so far. The next obstacle she had to overcome was breaking inside the manor, which seemed like a piece of cake after Vayne crossing the entire yard undetected. She looked for a back door that she could go through or perhaps even an open window, but that was as far as her luck went. Her only option was to break into through a window and it had to be quick. She glanced behind her back to check if anyone had noticed her presence, but none of the guards seemed to had actually done such a thing. Then, she quickly picked up a small hexetech device out of her pocket and installed it on the window before her. It took only several seconds before Vayne heard the characteristic sound of a window being unlocked. She pushed the window open up to a point were she could barely fit in and slipped inside. 

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