Below Piltover | 24

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In the complicated world they lived in, most things had a complicated explanation too. Caitlyn knew that all too well, but right now she couldn't make sense of anything. Her and Twisted Fate had been able to pick up a trail of the PROJECT initials, only for it to prove a dead end. It was like they had completely vanished. This endless hunt t was seriously frustrating her. It seemed to be a vicious cycle; herself always chasing Ezreal and him always disappearing. She felt like she was doing something wrong. Maybe this was somehow her fault. 

It didn't help that Riven's words kept replaying inside her head. Despite the fact that she had insisted very fiercely that she trusted Vi, the doubt had already settled and questions had been born. Because she realized that Riven was right up to some point. There were many things that didn't make sense about the cop, from her first appearance to her motives. 

Caitlyn's greatest quirk was probably her curiosity and her need to be one step ahead. That's why she was so overly frustrated with that case. And that's why she worked harder than ever. She tried to keep Vi off her mind for a little while, until they made some progress with the case. 

Curse her bad luck, just when she was about to fully invest herself into work, Vi decided to show up. 

Truth be told, they hadn't seen each other since the incident in the underground. Vi didn't seem to be upset with the whole PROJECT incident. In fact, she looked pretty unfazed, maybe even so determined. However her expression softened when she spotted Caitlyn and Twisted Fate. 

"What's up, cupcake," she winked at her and Caitlyn didn't even hesitate to roll her eyes. So this is what she would be called now? How unprofessional. 

Secretly she enjoyed it a little but it wasn't something she would ever admit out loud. 

"Hello, officer Vi," she acknowledged her more professionally like she ought to. "Good thing you remembered us."

"Sorry that I was too busy running some other errands," Vi defended. "But I heard all about this little shitshow that took place last night."

"And what do you think of it?" Twisted Fate asked. 

"Let's just say it won't be so easy locating them," the cop deadpanned. "What have you gotten so far?"

"We know they headed south but that's all we could find," Caitlyn explained. 

"What about surveillance on the streets?"

"Nothing important. They seem to just vanish though."

Vi huffed. "No one just vanishes. Something else is going on."

"We suspect that they might use the sewers to move around the city," Caitlyn said. "But we won't be sure till Riven and Shen return to confirm it."

Just about time, a cab stopped outside the huge building that hosted PROJECT Inc. and the two Pulsefire agents appeared from inside and soon joined them. 

"What have you gotten, Riven?" Caitlyn asked as soon as they arrived. 

"We were right. Ezreal indeed has been using the sewage system to move around the city," Riven replied. "But it's hard to tell where he's headed to. The sewers are vast."

"At least we now know how he and his new friends move around the city without getting detected," Vi concluded. "If we want to pick up their trail, we need to head down to the sewers. Maybe we'll get lucky again. They were in a hurry, how careful do you think they were?"

"I'll agree with Vi on that one," Tobias piped in. "Let's head south and find the first entrance to the sewers. It can't be too far away."

"Sounds like a plan. Let's go, lads." Caitlyn motioned as she began walking. 

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