Never the Same | 43

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Running. That was what she was good at. All her life Vi had been running, never stopping to catch a breath, never taking a break. That was what she was good at, that's how she had learned to live. She pretended to be the tough one, always ready to pick up a good first and bust some head, always prepared to make a door to run through when there was nowhere to go. But the truth was that Vi was a really good runner.

That night Vi ran like she had never run before, not daring to look back. She was too afraid to face the burning rumbles of the broken heart she had left behind. Vi hated herself, she really did. If she could have done otherwise, if there would have been another path, she would most certainly follow it. But there was only one path and that was the one of betrayal. What was worse was the fact that she had known for the very beginning and she had done absolutely nothing to make the situation any easier for both her and Caitlyn. Instead of keeping a safe distance, she came extremely close to the fire and ended up getting burnt. Now Vi ran, leaving the pieces of her own broken heart to scatter as she passed through.

Why had she allowed herself to fall in love with someone that she should have never been involved with in the first place? She had been so selfish, desperate for the loving touch of someone else rather than her loneliness. It was not just Caitlyn who would never forgive her. She would never forgive herself for as long as she lived. This was a burden that she had to carry forever.

Their escape had been chaotic but at least they managed to return safely to their portable hideout which they had set up on an empty plot near the harbor, always invisible to the rest of the world. Vayne had been left behind to supposedly guard it, although Vi was sure she was still not capable of even protecting herself yet. Her recovery was slow but steady, that was something. At least she was not alone through this, Vi noted sadly.

"That could have been better but at least we're all safe and sound," Ashe commented once they were finally behind those temporary walls of safety. But not for much longer. "Did we at least get what we wanted?"

"Oh, that should be sufficient!" Jinx grinned, pointing at the last bit of explosives they had managed to claim. "It's going to be a total blast, I'm telling you! Hey, what's up, Fat Hands? Why are you so grumpy?" she asked, upon taking notice of her sister.

"Leave me alone," she growled. Vi was in no mood to deal with Jinx at that moment.

"Let her be." Irelia placed a hand on Jinx's shoulder, making Vi's heart miss a beat. Irelia had been more of a sister to Jinx the past few years than she had been the last couple of weeks, which made her feel even worse about herself.

"Was it really necessary to blow up the store? I feel sort of guilty," Ekko admitted.

"I honestly have the very same question," Akali commented.

"If we hadn't, those Pulsefires would be able to follow us. We shouldn't have underestimated them," Leona admitted, rubbing her shoulder. .

"No shit. Caitlyn ruined my damn gauntlet!" Ezreal complained, looking at his broken weapon once again.

"Let me have a look at it," Ekko said. "Oh, shit." He cursed. "I believe it is beyond repair, man."

Ezreal sighed in frustration. "That would have never happened if Vi had been covering me like she should be doing."

Vi narrowed her eyes at him even though he couldn't quite see that. "Pardon me?"

"Now, now, let's not start pointing fingers-" Ashe interfered in an attempt to prevent the situation from escalating but it was too late.

"Fuck you." Vi hissed "I was supposed to cover you, not babysit you. If you could not handle yourself, maybe you should not have come in the first place. Or better yet, not mess with technology you're not capable of handling!"

PROJECT: Incarnation Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin