Forget me not | 27

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The basement was dark and cold, filled with humidity that pierced through the bones. There was nothing there rather than an old mattress laying on the floor and some stolen hextech equipment moved into the corner. A man sat on the dirty mattress, hands and legs tied and his mouth covered with a piece of clothing. His brown eyes were searching frantically the room for any means of escaping and the panic was painted all over his face while he desperately tried to avoid his kidnapper's piercing gaze.

Vayne practically glared at the man sitting before her, known for his work at PROJECT Inc. He was a mechanic and played a vital role in the design of the PROJECT traces. Vayne could remember his malicious smile when they infused the technology into herself. But now he wasn't smiling at all. He was shaking all over in seer terror.

"What a cruel irony," Vayne spoke in a cold voice. "Who would know we'd end up switching roles?"

The man insisted on avoiding her gaze. Vayne found satisfaction in his fear. She was enjoying every single second of this situation.

"I have a couple of questions for you," she continued. "And you better answer honestly. I despise liars."

He gulped as the hunter approached him and removed the clothing off his mouth. His instant reaction was to beg for mercy.

"Please!" he exclaimed. "Anything you need! Just... just let me go afterwards! Show mercy!"

Vayne narrowed her eyes. "Do you take me for a fool, Richard? I don't do mercy, unless you mistake me for Ashe."

"But... she said you didn't mean harm!" Richard exclaimed in terror.

"That's your unlucky day, then," Vayne hissed dangerously. "Because I'm not merciful like she is. Neither an idiot. You don't deserve any mercy, not from me."

Richard shrinked back in his mattress as he fought back tears.

"Enough with the foreplay," Vayne said. "Now tell me, how's the PROJECT corporation planning on dealing with our little situation here?"

"I... don't know!"

Vayne rolled her eyes. "Come on, Richard. The corporation wouldn't waste a man with an intellect like you on paperwork. There must be an emergency plan, something that was postponed for later but was hurried due to the circumstances. Have you been working on a secret project, Richard?"

The man kept shaking. "I admit that there has been a change of plans indeed," he mumbled.

"Oh?" Vayne raised an eyebrow. "Do tell," she encouraged him to keep talking.

"It was dangerous, I told them that. But they insisted we proceeded, and faster this time," he rumbled. "They brought the last one a couple of days ago from the sewers after a reported incident with some TPA agents, I don't know... And then they send it off with the others only God knows where..."

"Are you telling me that you've been creating more PROJECT traces?" Vayne inquired as her anger arose.

Richard nodded, afraid to look her in the eye. "We've been working on them for years but there have been a lot of complications and then chaos erupted and it was postponed until recently."

"And you don't know where the new PROJECTS are?"

Richard shook his head no. "They were taken away from Valoran. I'm not sure why. Probably because they didn't want them to be affected by your situation here. But they will be back to help take you down when they are ready."

"So, let me get this straight. The corporation has been creating more PROJECT traces in order to deal with the ones that have gone rogue?" Vayne inquired.

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