Reunited | 30

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Caitlyn had always been a lone wolf. Since her parents passed away, she had chosen the path of being a strong individual, both in her personal life and her career. She didn't like depending on someone else for anything. Plus, being alone helped her concentrate better. When Riven had suggested splitting up, she had been relieved, though deep inside she was well aware that the reason behind her colleague's decision was her own behavior. Riven rarely got annoyed but this time it had been different, Caitlyn knew that.

Instead of wasting more time around Piltover, she had headed straight to the old industrial area of the city, which was vast, to say the least, and there was no chance she could investigate it all quickly enough on herself. Instead, she chose one of her old and most favorite methods, observation. She picked up a good spot so she'd be able to observe as much of the area as possible. The old factory she had chosen seemed to do the job as fine as Caitlyn could see almost everything from the last floor and keep herself concealed for the most part. The perfect spot.

The hours passed like a couple of cars that went through the industrial area. Nothing that interested the Pulsefire agent though. Midday passed and the afternoon arrived, painting everything in its bright colours. It was a good thing Caitlyn had brought some commodities with her. Her initial plan didn't include her leaving too soon. She needed at least one single clue that indicated Ezreal and the PROJECTS were hidden there. She was this determined.

As she looked over the window, she heard footsteps coming her way. Caitlyn looked over her shoulder but didn't worry too much. She had made sure to fill the place with traps just in case someone decided to creep in. Though in this case they weren't even trying to be subtle as they made as much noise they could. Caitlyn picked up her rifle, walked carefully near the stairs and peeked over the railing.

"Nice traps, cupcake!"

Caitlyn looked completely baffled as she looked down at Vi who stood in the middle of the old factory among the abandoned machinery, waving at her.

"Vi?" The sniper asked in disbelief. "What on earth are you doing here?"

"Thought you might need some company," Vi shrugged. "Now can I pass or am I going to have to test your traps myself?"

"Just give me a second," said Caitlyn before remotely disabling her traps. Soon, Vi joined her upstairs with a cocky smile.

"Glad I'm not your prey today," she joked.

Caitlyn rolled her eyes. "Yeah, whatever. Now tell me the real reason why you're here."

Vi was taken aback. "I told you, I wanted to keep you some company. It must be lonely around here."

"It is, but it's not like I mind. I'd rather be alone."

"Come on, Caitlyn. No one truly wants to be alone, including you," Vi deadpanned. "But if you really want to be alone, it's fine. I can leave."

Caitlyn sighed. "It's alright. You made all this way to come here and it would be a shame if I made you return back."

"Not that you actually want me here." Vi smirked, making Caitlyn roll her eyes for the second time within a couple of minutes.

"Keep telling yourself that," said Caitlyn, even though she actually enjoyed Vi's company more than she would ever admit out loud.

"Nice view," Vi commented, pointing outside.

"Yeah, how about you stay away from the windows so as nobody spots you, huh?" Caitlyn's voice was filled with sarcasm as she pulled Vi to the side.

"Alright, alright. Damn, woman!" Vi exclaimed. "So, tell me, why did your amazing team decide to split up like that?"

"To cover more ground, I suppose," Caitlyn responded. "Speaking of covering ground, didn't you have the time to search the places I gave you?"

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