Guilt trip | 39

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Another moon rose, another night on the run. This was their daily routine. Ever since Vayne escaped, she had been on the run. This wasn't anything new to her nor to her companions. Were they doomed to forever be the prey in this hunting game? Maybe not. But for now, their best chance was to constantly move so as to not be detected by anyone, PROJECT or TPA related.

As the days passed, Vayne felt the guilt of dragging Fiora into this mess becoming more intense. She could have been hidden somewhere safer with her own companions yet she was stuck with her in this loophole. This was her fault. For so long, Vayne had been responsible for herself solely. But now the consequences of her actions affected others and she needed to regard them carefully. Her conscience wouldn't leave her alone if anything happened to Fiora because of her. There were more question marks than answers for her situation but she wasn't willing to find out, perhaps she was scared of the answers.

"Do you see anything, Vayne?" Irelia's voice rang in her ears. The hunter was on the front, peeking over a corner. Their goal was the building right across the street that was still under construction.

"Clear. Let's move." Vayne motioned them to follow her lead.

They ran across the street in seconds and the next moment they found themselves in the pot that was surrounded by a wooden fence. There was equipment and materials scattered all around the construction site. They moved quickly inside the building and rushed to the first floor which was more secluded than the basement.

"I don't like it here," Akali complained. "We are too exposed. Plus, I doubt this place will be as quiet in the morning as now."

"No one has been here for a few days. The construction has stopped temporarily," Vayne replied.

"It's this "temporarily" I'm not particularly fond of."

"Quit complaining. We aren't going to stay here for longer than necessary," Irelia interrupted their argument. "I'll go look for a better place. Don't do anything reckless while I'm gone." Her eyes landed on Jinx.

"Why are you looking at me?" She asked in surprise.

"You know why," Irelia deadpanned. "I'll be back in a few couple of hours."

Then she was gone as soon as they had come, leaving the four PROJECTS on their own.

"This place is so boring and lame," Jinx commented. "I'm going exploring and hope that it isn't as bad as I think it is."

"You heard what Irelia said," Akali warned her.

Jinx sighed in utter frustration. "Fine. If you don't trust me, come with me."

"Wha-" Before she knew it, Akali was dragged outside by a very ecstatic and enthusiastic Jinx. Vayne always wondered where she found such enthusiasm.

"Well, this should be interesting," Fiora said to no one in particular.

Vayne knew she should say something, anything, but she found herself preoccupied in her thoughts, her gaze stuck onto the dueler in front of her.

"What?" Fiora crooked an eyebrow. "Why are you so creepily silent? And why are you staring at me like that?"

Vayne shook her head. "It's nothing."

She felt Fiora coming closer. "You can't lie to me."

It was the truth.

You've made me vulnerable.

Yet, somehow, I'm not even mad at you.

"I told you, it's nothing. Just my thoughts getting the best of me, I guess." Vayne shrugged, trying her best not to worry her too much.

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