Runaway | 5

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There wasn't anything more beautiful and pure than the golden and fierce colours of the sunset. The sun shone bright as it slowly died behind the horizon. Ezreal had forgotten how beautiful it looked over Piltover and he remained still, just for a moment, to recall and enjoy. 

It had really been long. 

He had been too preoccupied the past few years to think about his home. The adventures he had, the treasures he collected, all those seemed so far away now from his current reality. He couldn't stay there long, standing still and watching the sunset. There were other priorities ahead, more important and significant, and if he really wished to see the sunset again, he had to hurry up. He was running out of time. 

He had been a selfish, arrogant prick for most part of his life, always seeking to satisfy his curiosity and greediness. However, the last two years had been quite critical to his perception of the world. He had discovered truths that were scary, terrifying and almost unavoidable. If anything, after all this time-travelling, he believed that there was a way to prevent a catastrophe before it happened. Though, it wasn't simple. He was a runaway, with a heavy criminal record, he couldn't just walk into the Timeline Agency and warn them about the incoming storm. Not that they would believe him in the first place, even so if the Agency was just as corrupted. It had crossed his mind to try and reason with his hunter, but it seemed just as impossible. She wouldn't lose time to listen to his conspiracy theories and would arrest him in no time. Who was he anyways to destabilize the faith of the best chrono-agent? No, there had to be another way. 

His suspicions were confirmed by rumors about PROJECT deviants. That was the first step towards the storm. But if anyone could prevent chaos from happening, it was them. It wasn't probably the best idea to rely on machines but there was no time left to waste. He finished preparing his Pulsefire suit and gauntlet, and managed to look away from the sunset. In a while, darkness would prevail and he'd be safer to walk around Piltover. Not absolutely but definitely safer than under the sun's light. 

Once the dark veil of night covered the sky and a thick mist slowly slid between the streets, rendering visibility impossible over five meters, Ezreal finally crept out of his safe zone and became one with the darkness. His destination was yet to be clear but he was positive he would eventually find them. He was so close to discovering their hideout, heck he let himself believe he could even meet them tonight. He couldn't let his arrogance get the best out of him however, so he moved around the city with great consciousness, avoiding public places. 

His legs guided him to the port, a place he had been searching thoroughly for a while now. Piltover's harbor was a great deal of a trade center and it covered most part of the city's coast. The area he had to cover was huge, but in the end he knew it was worth all the trouble. That night, he knew exactly where he should focus his search on; the old harbor. A place on the west, pretty much abandoned for a decade or so. The old harbor had basically turned into a ship graveyard, a perfect hiding place in Ezreal's opinion. Who in their right mind would search there out of all places for a group of PROJECT deviants? Only him, of course. Because he believed he was the only one who could understand the urgent need to hide well from the rest of the population. 

Despite the fog, it still took Ezreal a while to reach the boundaries between the new and the old harbor. Once he did, he began moving a lot less carefully. Besides, there weren't any other traces of life there, as far as he was aware. He remained on the alert, though. The dark always upholds the unexpected, after all. 

He walked silently all the way down, carefully examining the shadows of abandoned ships, once used to carry valuable goods for trade, now left to dissolve miserably. They could be hiding in one of them, Ezreal was aware, but which one? All of them seemed like a good hideout for him. If he was a PROJECT deviant, where would he hide himself and his possible companions? Obviously, in the largest and oldest one, where no one would ever think of searching. 

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