Surprises | 6

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Vi had always liked simplicity but her life was anything but simple. Especially the past few months when her life became a total mess due to her decision to pick up the ATLA gauntlets. Did she regret it? Sometimes, she did. Especially when she received completely random calls from G/NETIC, those fucking assholes. Of course, they wouldn't call unless it was an emergency. It got Vi worried. And pissed for interrupting her simple, quiet Saturday night. 

All those months, she had been struggling to control her new enhanced gauntlets. She had done a very good job by now, far better than could anyone expect. However, her problems didn't revolve around controlling the PROJECT technology only. She had drown unwanted attention onto herself which ended up to her transfer downtown. What a shithole this place was. To add to her problems, she had to keep an eye on this Khada Jhin bastard while at the same time persuade her superiors she had no business with the PROJECT deviants. Ironically enough, everything she did was connected to them because, willingly or not, she had become one of them now. Their insight to the outside world. A fate not chosen by herself, but the sense of duty called upon herself. She knew there was something bigger behind the story of the PROJECT deviants. She was willing to fight alongside them because there was indeed something completely odd going on in this godforsaken city. Something that threatened all of them. Khada Jhin was just an indication of what they were called to fight against. 

She didn't mind fighting or risking her life for G/NETIC but these late night calls needed to stop. She was just a human after all. She needed the extra rest whenever she could get some. But here she was, sneaking inside Piltover's old harbor. It could have been easier if she wasn't being stalked. Vi wasn't sure who but had several ideas who could have sent them. PROJECT Inc was keeping an eye on her. After all, hadn't she received a “gift” from them without the company realizing it? They needed to know how it worked so far and get her if possible. Vi huffed at the thought. She'd like to see them try. But right now, it didn't matter. She had to focus onto getting inside the hideout without getting detected. It helped that there was no signs of life nearby this late into the night. 
She usually preferred to gain access through a nearby ship and that's exactly what she did that night too. 
She jumped onto the deck and landed perfectly onto the wooden surface while checking behind her back. Still nothing. She moved towards the door that lead to the insides of the ship. 

After walking in the darkness for a while, she finally reached the lowest point of “Morning Star” and pushed a door on her left. After coming here so many times, she knew exactly its position and she had no trouble finding it. She stepped inside casually. 

"You'd better have a good reason for interrupting my beauty sleep." were her first words to Ashe as the later approached to greet her. 

"Come, we have a visitor," the marksman said, ignoring Vi's comment. The enforcer raised a questioning brow. 

"A visitor? I didn't know we were open to the public now."

"We're not," came the response from Fiora. "This sneaky little bastard came here completely uninvited," she added as she pointed at the person tied to the chair next to her. 

"Wow, that's rude- EZREAL?"

"Vi?" the blonde man asked back. "What on earth are you doing here?"

"Funny thing, I would ask you the same thing." Vi huffed before she turned to Ashe. "What the fuck is he doing here? Do you realize he's a wanted man?"

"I do, he told us everything." Ashe nodded. "He has some very interesting things to say that concern all of us, including you."

"You could have told me via phone instead of making come here this late to see his stupid-ass face." Vi hummed in annoyance. 

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