Rejected Confession

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"What're you talking about Marzia?!" I shouted, hitting her arm with my fist. She laughed and her lips upturned into a questionably psychotic grin. To think she was capable of that expression made me unnerved. 

"Come on, n/n. What you described is exactly how I felt towards your brother when we first met!" She explained. I sat on the bench, shocked, to say the least. 

How could I be in love with Cry? I just met him yesterday, and I've only known him for less than 48 hours! Yes, his mysterious and timid personality is charming, and he is attractive despite the mask hiding a chunk of his face, but still.. 

"Isn't it too soon?" I asked softly. Marzia rested a hand on my shoulder, and I found myself leaning into the comforting gesture. 

"You never know! And hey, there's nothing wrong with letting someone know how you feel." She reassured, shifting her hand off my shoulder and taking my hand in hers.

"I'm a fashionista. Let's get you glammed out!" And with that, she dragged me into the next store. Once she let go of my hand, I began browsing through display racks. A notification pinged from her phone, and when I turned, I noticed her typing away. 

"What are you doing?" I asked, moving away from the rack. 

"I'm just tweeting out to my Marzipans that I won't be uploading today due to some personal reasons." She explained, posting the tweet and stuffing her phone back into her purse. 

"Do I really have to confess? I don't even know if I actually like him like that yet." I said, as Marzia just nodded. We left the store, and ventured into one that sold painfully girly clothes. Just the sight of the mass amounts of baby pink had me internally sweating. 

30 minutes and a mountain of dresses later, the two of us finally settled on an outfit. A short-sleeved, white button down with the first two buttons undone; black, high waisted shorts with two sets of three gold buttons at the front; black heels with an ankle strap and a red flower clip adorning the left/right side of your face. Your h/c hair, loosely curled by a stylist at the shop, complimented the vintage, pin up girl look. 

Marzia held your arm and brought you to the front. 

"Excuse me, can I pay for this outfit as she's wearing it?" Marzia questioned, as the associate at the till nodded. After the total was paid, and some minor banter about me paying her back, we returned to shopping for Marzia. 

-- Time skip --

An hour and a half later, we arrived back home and I found my heart beating rapidly as I recalled the reason I was all dolled up in the first place. I can't possibly do that though, it's uncomfortably soon. Marzia did have a point though. On the car ride home, she brought up the point that if I didn't do it now, there was a possibility that he could meet someone else, or him leaving early. Sighing, I finally prepped myself to just get it over with. Entering in the door, Felix came up to us and helped us get the bags upstairs. 

When he caught side of me, he smirked. 

"Ya know sis, your outfit is cute. Are you impressin somebody?" Felix remarked, as a flush arose in my cheeks. Refusing to answer, I carried some bags inside. 

"Welcome back, Y/n!" Cry explained, as he 'looked' over from his spot on the couch. When he caught sight of me, I noticed a faint blush sweep just below his mask. The sight alone caused me to have hope... Just a little bit, at least. I muttered  a small 'thanks' and carried an armful of Marzia's bags into her room as well as the stuff she bought for me into my own room. 

After unpacking the recently bought goods, I heard my brother retreat to his room to record another 'Let's Play' while Marzia shot me a text that she was headed out to buy dinner. 

'Now is as good of time as I'll get, I guess.' I thought to myself, quickly adjusting my outfit. Once I was satisfied with the way I was presented, I made my way down stairs. 

Cry hadn't moved from his position on the couch, however, he had Tumblr pulled up and was simply scrolling mindlessly. As I approached, he glanced up at me. 

"Hey, you, uh.. I need to um, talk to you if that's alright?" I sputtered out, cursing myself internally at the nervousness oozing out of my voice. 

"Yeah, it's no problem. Not doin' much anyways." He said, patting the spot beside him and offering me a grin. 

"Take a seat." He invited, as I followed in suit, and plopped down next to him. As I sat down, I took note of how he straightened up. 

"W-well, you see, um.." I stumbled, my fingers becoming more interesting under his gaze. He hadn't pressured me to spit it out, however, he did wait patiently. 

"I have feelings for you." I admitted, as he flinched slightly. An awkward silence filled the room, and so I filled it the only way I knew how to; awkward rambles.

"I know it's way too soon, we literally just met right? Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. I knew it was a bad thing to do so. I just.." I sighed. 

"I just feel like it's something you should know rather than me keeping it hidden. And I understand if you don't feel the same." I finished, as he sat there, his mouth in a flat line. The haunting silence cloaked the air the same way it did before, and I found myself getting more and more nervous as the ticks from the living room clock grew louder and louder. 

After what seemed like ages, he finally cleared his throat. 

"I'm really sorry. I can't return your feelings." He began, as I felt a sharp sting. Although I expected to get rejected, no amount of internal preparation really sets you up for the actual pain. 

" Like you said, it's just way too soon. That, and I'm your brother's best friend. I don't want to break our starting friendship or have Felix feel like you're stealing me from him and cause a sibling rift. I know how much he means to you, and I just can't do that to him or to you." He explained. The more he elaborated, the worse I felt. Shakily, I nodded and just stormed silently upstairs, trying to cover my tears and the sounds of my sniffles. 

Just as I buried myself in a makeshift cocoon of blankets, I heard a knock at my door. 

"Y/n? What's going on?" Felix asked softly, as he peeled the door open slowly. 

"Go away, please Felix." I called out. 

"No, you know I worry about you. Look, Cry doesn't feel the same and there's nothing wrong with that, you guys just met." Felix reasoned, or rather, attempted to. Hearing those words though, I only felt more angered.  

"Oh yeah, thank you Felix. Rub it in. What other stupid moments have I had that you'd love to remind me of?" I spat out bitterly, as I sat up and shot a death glare at my brother. Tears welled up i his eyes as he slowly backed out. 

"If you hate me so much, I don't have to be your brother. I know I'm stupid and you're embarrassed to have a loud mouthed brother like me. I'm sorry." He said softly, as he sniffled and exited the room closing the door shut behind him. Hearing those words, I felt terrible. He was only telling the truth, yet, I lashed out and hurt his feelings. Maybe because Felix was always the teasing, playful type, I never thought that his feelings could ever be hurt that bad. 

Boy, was I wrong. 

A sigh left my lips as I headed to my closet. I pulled an oversized hoodie and made my way to the bathroom to clean myself up. 

Bad choice. 

My Brother's Best Friend (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now