Chapter 10.

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It was 12am at the hospital where Matthew was held in. Ivan was wake, looking at Matthew. He is wishing that he'll wake up. His tierd eyes begging him to close them. He could still hear the echos of Matthew's laughs. He let out a sigh and looked out at the Hospital halls. It was quiet. You could hear every whisper.

Ivan saw someone sitting on one of the chair outside of the room, it was Sweden. He is confused. Where did Sweden find those bullets? How did he snap out of his rage so quckly and why did he act like he didn't know what he had done?


(Canada's pov)

I woke in a dark room. The last thing that I remembered was being in Ivan's arms after getting shot. Where am I? Am I dead? I stand up and almost fall down because of my weak legs. I look down and I have the gun shot on my chest still.

I walk around little bit "Kuma!? Ivan!? Feli!? Brother!? Papa!? Dad!?" I call out but it just echos around me. I start to get scared. Am I dead!? My chest feels numb but that's proply because of the gun shot wound.

I feel a cold wind fly past me. My eyes wide. The place starts to get colder. Little layer of snow builds up. Why is he here!? "Oh poor little Matthew, all alone after all that you had done" I hear a cold chuckle echoing around me. I know who he is.

Silhouette of a man starts to form infront of me. I know who it is. "What are you doing here!?" I yell at him. His silhouette comes clearer and there he is. "What? I thought that you needed company" He says with a smirk.

I look at him with anger "Why are you here Winter?!" I say. He let's out a cold chuckle again "What? Did you really think that I would leave you be after you are here.. All alone."

He walks closer to me "It wasn't nice getting shot with a bullet that can kill you? Hm?" Winter smirks. My memories flash back when Sweden shot me.

I shake the memories off "How did you know what those bullets can do?" I ask, confused on how he knew what the bullets could do. "Because I was the one who gave that little doll them" He chuckled.

My eyes widen. How did he get into Sweden's mind!? "H-how!?" I yell in horror. "His anger towards you was enough to get close to him." He chuckled "I knew that he would do enything for his little girl and it was so easy to make the deal with him."

I am in shock. He disappears and reappears infront of me "Don't you get it little Matthew? Because of your selfish mind you got yourself in this mess" He chuckles.

I take a step back "No you are wrong!" I say, tears starting to leak from my eyes. He laughs "Can't you see that you got yourself in here... Just give up. No one would remeber you as the kind contry enymore, just a warning sign for others to not turn like you." Winter says and then disappears.

I fall to my knees. He is right. They will only remeber me as a contry who went mad. Not the loving contry that I used to be.


(Germany's pov)

It has been two week and Matthew hasn't shown eny signs of walking up. Feli is hugging my arm "Doitsu? When will Matthew wake up?" He asks. I look at him and back at Matthew "I don't know.." I breath out.

He hugs me tighter. I look at Ivan. He looks afull. He hasn't slept in 4 days. The nordics are questioning Sweden on where he got those bullets and why did he even bring them.

I let out a sigh. Kuma has been laying on Matthew's chest for days. Alfred had tryed to give him fish or something to eat, but he would just push them away and turn back to look at Matthew.

Alfred, Arthur and Francis are sitting on Matthew's left side while me, Feli and Ivan are sitting on Matthew's right side. I let out a sigh. Then I felt a cold wind past me. I look around to see that there isn't eny windows that could let in cold air.

Ivan wakes up and start to look around. I gess he felt the wind too, but what does it mean?


(Russia's pov)

I woke up to the wind that useally comes when Winter is near. I look around but don't see him. I look back at Matthew and see that he has almost ice blue lips.

My eyes widen in horror. He is getting Matthew! I don't know what to do. I need to do something! Who knows what he is doing to him.

I feel so helpless! I can't do enything! Then his lips turn back to their normal color. What even happend there?


(Sweden's pov)

I am sitting in a white room. To be honest, I don't mind. I wouldn't trust my self ether. Why did I have to take that guys deal!?

I still remeber how that happend but nothing after that... I let out a sigh and looked at the door with a little glass. I saw Katriina and Tino there.

I sigh. They open the door and walk in closing it behind them so I wouldn't escape "Pappa?" I hear Katriina ask. I look at her.

She walks closer to me then ran and hugged me. I hugged her back. I look at Tino "Where did you get those bullets?" He asks.

Katriina let's go of the hug "The were given to me and... I was being controlled by someone else then." I say.  Tino looks at me like I have lost my mind.

I knew that he thinks that I am lying. I can see that from his eyes. He was about to say something "I know that it sounds unbelievable but do you really think that I would use that bullet?" I say. Kristiina looked at Tino then back at me.

Tino looked at me and smiled "We believe you, I knew that you wouldn't shot someone with that bullet if you knew what it would do". I smiles at them.

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