Chapter 9

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The shot rang through Matthew's house. The contrys who were trying to get to Matthew before, had stopped. Sweden had snapped out of his rage to realyse what he had done. He dropped the gun and rised his hand over his mouth.

He looked at Matthew, who is now laying on the floor. He is trying not to fall "asleep". The shot had hitted him directly to his stomach. He was suprised that it did so much damage. He thought it was a normal bullet. He was wrong.

Ivan snapped out of his shock. He ran next to Matthew, shaking him, trying so hard to get him to not fall asleep. Tears started to fall from his eyes when Matthew weakly smiled at him.

Ivan putted his hand on the bullet wound, trying to stop the bleeding. The other country's had by now came next to Matthew. Sweden was on his knees, crying, saying that he was sorry and praying that Matthew will be okay.

Ivan was the first one who got his senses back. He picked Matthew up and started to ran out of the house. The other country's behind him. He just wished that he would get to the hospital in time.

Matthew had tryed so hard to stay awake but the bullet, that Sweden had shot, was starting to insert poison. He looked at Ivan one last time before going limp. They had gotten to the hospital by then.


(Russia's pov)

I could feel Matthew going limp. I ran faster to the front desk. The nurse behind there saw Matthew and immediately called help. Five doctors took Matthew from me one bringing a table. They took him away with the table and I couldn't do enything, just watch. I let out a sigh.

I look at the swedish man. I could see guilt in his eyes but. I. Didn't. Care. I angrily walk to him. I took hold of his shirt "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?" I yell at him. I could see more tears form "I-I tryed to save you guys!" He says. I let go of his shirt.

I look at Åland, and Sealand. They are crying. I walk up to them. I bring them a big hug. They sob on my chest. "Will Matthew be okay?" They ask while sobbing.

I look at Sweden who is sobbing on his knees. I look at them "I don't know" I whisper. Their grib on my shirt tightens. One of the doctor came back and we all look at him for the answers.

The doctor lookee us with a sad look "I am sorry, but it seems like Matthew Williams has fallen into a coma." He said. Tears started to form in my eyes.
I WASN'T FAST ENOUGH! I could have saved him!

I walk to the hospitals garden. I sit down and memories of me and Matthew start to flow in. His laughs echo in my mind. But now I can't hear them, he is in a coma.


(Åland's pov)

I shake my head. No! He can't be in a coma! A bullet would never send a contry in a coma! I am not a contry but I know that isn't possible!

I look at my pappa. He is crying. I walk to him. I place my hand on his shoulder. He looks at me "Pappa? Will Matthew be okay? It is just a normal bullet. Right?" I say, tears starting to fall. He looks down.

I can see a tear fall. I knew that he knows that he messed up "Jag... Jag Vet Inte. They weren't normal bullets. They could kill a contry or put them in a coma.." ("I... I don't know") He says.

My eyes widen with tears now falling like waterfall. I turn around and see Kuma. He is looking down. I gess he heard what pappa said. I ran to him and hugged him tightly.

I cried into his fure and he started to sub as well. Right now I am hoping that Matthew will be okay. He means so much to all of us.


(America's pov)

I failed to protect him. Now he is in coma because I wasn't fast enough! Why did Sweden have to use those spesial bullets!? I look at Matthew.

He looks too peacefull, almost deadly peacefull and I don’t like it. He just wanted to be noticed and now he is in a coma. Why? Because we were too blind to see his reasons.

I start to cry. I feel hands wrap around me. I look and see Arthur there. I hug him and cry into his chest. I may have lost my brother. I get up "I am going to get fresh air" I say and walk out of the room.

I see Åland hugging Matthew's polar bear cub while crying. I see Sweden looking down at his hands. I look around but I don't see Ivan enywhere. I start walking out to the garden.

I see Ivan there, crying. That is the first time I have seen him cry! Matthew must mean alot to him. I walk to him and sit down next to him.

I place my hand around his shoulders "Hi Ivan" I say. He looks at me "What do you want?" He askd. I look him with pitty. "I want to know how close you and my baby bro are" I say.

He looks at me "We are a couple" I hear him whisper. My eyes widen. Matthew and Ivan a couple!? Not that there is enything wrong with that.

I smile at him  "I am happy for you two" I say. He nods "Thanks" He says. I smile at him "Everything will be okay" I say. He looks at me "I hope so" Ivan whispers.

I let out a sigh and look at the sky. I hope that Matthew will be okay. We will then play hockey. He loves it. Then we will go skating and then I would give you the best memories ever.. Just.. Please wake up soon enough!

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