Chapter 3

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(France's pov)

I can't think right. My Matthew has said something to Italy and he dosen't want to tell what! Why dosen't he tell us? Then out of no where the lights went out. "What the bloddy hell?" I hear Arthur say. I hear something open "WHAT OPED!?" I hear Alfred yell in a worry. I then see a little light coming behind me. I let out a loud yelp and fell on the floor which everyone heard "France/Francis!" I hear others yell. I look behind me and I see.. "Sealand?" I think. He looks at me and let's out a giggle "Sorry about that France." He says with a smile "Peter!?" Arthur says "What are you doing here?!". Sealand looks at Arthur "He's 'ot the o'ly one h're" A voise says behind Sealand. Then Åland comes out behind him "What are you here Kristina?!" Finland says "We came to save ya'll" She says. Finland starts to frick out "We need to get ya out of here! Who knows what Canada is going to do if he sees you two!" Norway says. We were paying too much attention on Sealand and Åland that we didn't see.. "See who?" We hear Matthew's voise say. I push the two kids behind me "No o'e!" Sweden says. Matthew looks at Sweden, "Do you really think that I don't have eyes everywhere? This is my house after all.." He says. I hear him let out a little chuckle "Also... I am not blind.. I can see that light that is coming behind you, Papa". "MERDE! I forgot about that candle!" I think. Matthew walks close to the cell where I, Sealand and Åland are. I back away with the kids behind me. "You know. It isn't nice to break into someones house" Matthew says. "It isn't nice that ya kidnapped my mama och pappa!" Åland yells and steps out from behind me. "True... But you know that you two came here so... You know where they are." Matthew says. He gets closer to us. I see a poler bear cud come out from behind Matthew's leg "Uuu! A poler bear cub!" Sealand and Åland says at the same time. My eyes widen in realation.. He is trying to get the kids closer to the cell door! I tryed stoping them but it was too late! The door opened and Matthew took both of the kids by their sleves. They let out a scream "Kristina! / Peter!" I hear Arthur and Finland yell. I ran at them, I have to save them! When I got there the cell door slamed right to my face. "Matthew! You d'n't have to do th's! W' can talk t'is out!" Åland says. Matthew looks at Åland then Sealand. He shakes his head and starts to walk out of the room with the kids "G'VE ME BA'K MY DOTTER!" Sweden yells while shaking the cell bars. The kids try to get free. Matthew walks out of the door and looks at me once before closing the door. "No..." I hear Finland say. I close my eyes "Please be safe" I think


(Åland's pov)

I thought it would be a good idea to try to save the others but... Now me and Peter are being dragged from our sleves because we wanted to see the little bear! Canada stops walking and looks at us with a... warm smile? "So are you hungry?" He asks. I look at Peter and we nod. "Come." He says and we follow him. We get to the kitchen and Canada makes pancakes and gave it to us. We look at the pancakes. "Don't worry.. It's not poisoned" He says and takes a bite of the pancakes to show us. We started to wake the pancakes. "Okay... When he isn't looking I'll try to make the run for it" I think. Then the bear jumps on my lap. "Hello little buddy" I say. He cuddles closer to me and I start to pet his stomach. "Why" I breath out without noticing it. I look at Peter, who looks at me with widen eyes. I realysed I said that out loud! I look at Matthew. He sighs and looks at us "The contrys of the world only see my brother... " He says and looks at the grond. Then I see that his hands ar in a fist "Am I so wrong to wish that they would see me too!? Why don't they see me!? I've waited long enough now and I'll be not over shadowed again!" He yells at us. I look at Peter... Matthew is not evil... Just lonely. I look back at Matthew and I see tears running down his cheek's. I walk up yo him and wipe his tears off and hug him.."I'm sorry..." He says. Peter joins in the hug. I let out a sigh "We will help ya" Peter says and looks up at Matthew. I nod and he hugs us tighter. We let go and Matthew went to check on Russia. I decided to go see my mama och pappa.


(Sweden's pov)

Italy woke up few minutes after that Canada took my daughter. I ran at the cell door to open "My. Sweet. Little. Girl!" I think. I need to get out of this fliping cell! I hit and slam at the door so it would open! But it dosen't open! "Wh' kn'ws w'at he maybe do'ng to my child!" I yell. I look where Tino is and I see him in tears. I hit the cell door and I could feel tears falling down my cheek. It has been half an hour since Canada took my daughter. I hear the main door open and I look expecting to see that Canada but I see "Kristiina?!" I yell. She looks at me "Oh hey pappa!" She says and waves to us "He didn't hurt you! Did he?" Tino asks "Nope!" She says with a smile. She walked closer to us. "Could you get us out of here?" I ask "Sorry pappa! But no, I'm here to get Italy!" She says. I look at her disbelive. She walks to Italy and opens the door "Come on Mr. Italy! I want to play!" Kristiina says and then she runs out of the room with Italy.

We all just look at the door.. Then I hit my fist to the wall "Tu*** också! The Canadian is brain washing my daughter!" I yell. Tino seems angry too. He looks at the main door wanting to break it to pieces. "We need to make a plan so that Canadian won't win! Who knows what he is going to do to us! He could do enything to our land!" Tino yells. The others nod "My Matthew wouldn't do enything to us!" France says. I look at him "He litearly has trapped you in this cell! He is your son so why would he do this to his own father!" I yell trying to get that france dude in his senses. He looks down and realysed that I am right. "What are we going to do!?" I hear England say "We have to first make so you and Lukas can use magic" I answer. I look at Tino "Don't worry Tino... We will get our daughter back" I say. "But what are we going to do to Matthew?" I hear America ask. I look at him and sigh. I look down "If he dosen't stop this I don't think that we have enyother choise then to stop him... Even if it means killing him.. Who knows what he would do if he stayed free after we got free" England said. I hear the others sigh "Then how are we going to get out?" Tino asked


(Canada's pov)

I walked in to Ivan's room to see he is trying to get free. He stopped as soon as he saw me "What do you want!?" He yells at me. I walk closer to him "I brought you some chicken soup" I say and sat next to him. "What did you put in it?" He asks while looking at the soup "Do you want me to show it isn't poisoned?" I say and rise an eyebrow. He nods, so I took a spoon full of the soup and ate it. Then I started feeding him. After he's done I put the bowl away. I got up "Why are you doing this to us? Weren't you the kindest person in the whole world?" I hear Ivan say. I look at him "How can you be kind forever when no one ever remembers you?" I ask him. "How long would you last before you wanted to be noticed?" I ask him "Few months?" He says "Make that into 16 years" I say. I take the bowl and start to leave "Wait! If you only want to be noticed then why not just talk to them?" I hear Ivan ask. "Do you really think that I haven't tryed?" I say. "Also.. Wouldn't the other nations kill you if you keep this up?" He says. I look at him "I wouldn't care... I know that they may do that, Ivan.." I say to him. I feel tear running down my cheek. I could see a face on Ivan that I have never seen before. I just turned around and left the room but before I left "Ya know Ivan... I am confused, because how can I love something that almost never sees me?" I say and left the room. I walk to the living room to find Peter, Kristiina and Feliciano playing UNO. I went to look at the game because it seemed fun. "C'mon! I thought we couldn't end it with that card" Feli and Peter said after Kristiina ended the game with a +4 card. I let out a chuckle. "Can I join too?" I ask "Sure!" Feli says and we to start play UNO. I won the round.

The Maple King (disontinued) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora