Chapter 8

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It was a peacefull night at Matthew's house. The baltics were sleeping in the same room with Åland and Sealand. Kumajiro was sleeping in the living room in his little bed dreaming about food.

Italy and Germany were sleeping in the same room, cuddling. Matthew was Ivan cuddling while sleeping. Everything was peacefull. You could hear a nail drop.

Matthew's house wasn't small it has 4 floors. The midle, the top and the lower floor, then one seacret floor. There he had his magic books.

Like everything will come to an end so does peacefull times. There was a plane towards the house, where inside was the other country's..

The whole house woke up to a large explotion. They all knew what was happening.


(Canada's pov)

I woke up to a large explotion. I knew that they were here and so did Ivan. I ran out of my room. I get to where the hole to the wall was made. I see they there every nation that was here and escaped.

I see Sweden's eyes. They are filled with rage and sadness. He walks infront of everyone else. I see Arthur, Francis and Alfred there. They look at me with worried eyes.

Sweden then hits the floor with his gun "I think that you know why we are here, Matthew" He says. "Indeed I do" I answer. "Then this should be easy" He says then points the gun at me "Where is my Dotter!? You better have not harmed her!" He yells.

I let out a sigh and look at the floor. I want them to remeber me so I'll fight back. I look at them. "Don't worry Sweden. I didn't harm her. Not even a hair on her head" I say.

He let ou a little sigh "Now will you give us our contrys back. If you do I will not attack you, if not then I don't think twice to fight you." He says. I start remembering how happy people are in their contrys.

I look at him dead in the eyes. I make wind spell that makes Sweden fall over. He looks at me with rage "I gess that is a no!" He yells. He then shot at me.

I start to run back where kuma is. "Matthew!" I hear kuma yell. I run to him "What is happening!?" He wisper yelled. "They are here" I say. His eyes widen.


(America's pov)

I look where Matthew started to run off. Sweden looks at all of us  "You all know what the plan B is! Remember! We just need to find and harm him so he'll give up!" Sweden says. Then we all start to run all around the house.

Me, Francis and Arthur are together. I look at them "Remember we need to find Matthew before it's too late!" I say to them. We get to the stairs.

I have to find Matthew before enyone else exept Arthur or Francis.


(Sweden's pov)

I look around making sure everyone is gone. I turn around and take out another gun exept there is a twist. It can kill or put into a coma a nation if shot in the right place.

I took the gun out and put the bullets in there. I didn't want to use this but I need to save my dotter. I start to look for that Canadian. I walked in a hallway making sure Matthew doesn't jump around a corner.

I let out a sigh and walk into a room that has a kitchen, little living room and a iron door. I loon around and then hear someone walk in. I hide under a table.

I hear footsteps and I take my gun out. I look who it was. It was....


(Åland's pov)

I woke up to an explotion. I am now following the baltics with Sealand. We turn the corner and we see England, France and Ame there!

They see us and start walking towards us and we take a step back. They stop. I tilted my head. "We don't want eny harm.. Where is Matthew?" England says.

I look at them "Oh really? Then whats with the guns?" I say. They drop their weapons. "We need to find Matthew before Sweden does! He wants Matthew's head because he took you and our contrys. I know that he did it because he was lonely!" Alfred says.

I look at him and sigh. Then my eyes widen. My papa wants to kill Matthew because he has me! "We need to find Matthew!" I say and start running.

We find few contrys and explain what is happening. So Japan, China, Romano and Poland are with us, trying to find Matthew before my papa dose.


(Russia's pov)

I am looking for my sunflower. I am getting worried because I have no idea what has or may happen to him. I am running the halls of his house. There is much more than I thought.

I tured the corner and see the baltics there with some of the nations. They told me that they are trying to find sunflower so Sweden wouldn't do enything to him.

I start to panic and start running and looking for him. The swedish guy would've done enything to him! I need to find my little sunflower before it is too late!

I found Kumajiro "Do you know where Matthew is?" I asked. "Getting something to drink from the kitchen where he would do pancakes" He answered.

I nodded and started to go there, with the others coming behind me. Please be okay.


(Canada's pov)

I am walking in to the kitchen and when I get there I see something under the table. Then they come out and I see that they are Sweden. My eyes widen.

He let's out a chuckle "Well well well. Isn't it Matthew. The person who wantted to fight even tho this could have been set peacefully?" He says.

I could see the rage in his eyes. There is so much that he is blinded by it. I let out a little sigh "I gess you found me! So what are you going to do now?" I say.

He has a evil smirk on "Glad that you asked!" He says and points the gun at me. My eyes widen in horror. I know that gun! It blocks all magic! I hear a noise behind me. I look and see my friends and Ivan there running down the hallway.

I look back at Sweden. Then everything slows down when I see the gun pointted at me. I could hear my friends calling me. I knew this would happen. I close my eyes and let out a sigh.....


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