Chapter 5

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(2 months later)

Matthew and Ivan have got closer. Ivan has started to get feelings for Matthew too. The other country's still are planing to stop Matthew on takeing over the world. They think he is going to kill them sooner than later. They are getting closer on getting out of their cells.

(Matthew's pov)

I am walking towards where the others are. When I open the door I see  that Alfred has gotten out of his cell, his cell door is on the floor, and is lockpicking Arthur's cell door but failing and everyone else is looking at it. "C'mon! Open you door!" I hear Alfred say. "It won't open like that brother" I say. They all look at me exept Alfred. Alfred let's out a nerves laugh "Hiii lil bro. How are you doing?" He says and looks at me with a nerves smile. I look around little bit and see my papa there. He looks at me with fear in eyes.

I look back at my bro and he is about to hit me with a metal piece that was from the door but I stopped him by grabbing his hand "Now.. That's not what you do to your own lil bro.. Or is it Alfred?" I say. He's eyes widen in fear. He trys to get his arm free from my grasp "Now... Would you kindly tell your baby bro how you got out of your cell, but can't get out of my grasp?" I ask with a puppy face. I look at Arthur then the others then back at Alfred. I could see how much fear he is. So much for a hero, huh? But sometimes I don't like this evil act.


(America's pov)

When did Matt became this strong!? He could easilly break my hand! I close my eyes tightly. Then I feel his grib on my hand tighten then I flew. I open my eyes to see that I am back in my cell, but right before I could run out the door teleported back to it's place "How!?" I hear Iggy yell "Well Arthur, forgot that you took care of me at some point? You teached me magic" Matt said.

I look at him in shock. "What Alfred? Something wrong?" He said with a smirk ''You aren’t my brother, something is controling you!" I yell at him. He looks at me, turns and starts walking to the door "Believe what you want brother" He says. He looks at Germany and smiles. Germany's eyes widen but before he could say enything he was teleported next to him. He looks at all of us before leaving the room. I look at the door.

Sweden looks at me "See what I mean!?" he yelled. Everyone exept France nodded. I think that Sweden is right... As much I hate to say It... We need to stop him with all we have.. Why did my brother have to turn evil!? What happend to him!?  Why dose he want Germany!?


(German's pov)

I have no idea what dose Matthew want from me! Why is he taking me somewhere. When we exited the room I see Italy, Åland, Sealand, Russia and the baltics playing UNO. Feli sees me and his eyes light up "Doitsu!" He yells and hugs me. I see Matthew going to the kitchen.

I see that everyone is smiling and that I am hugging Feli back "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" I ask. Feli shakes his head "ve~He has been so nice to us Doitsu!" He says with a big smile. I feel my people being happier than useally. I look at Matthew.

He is making pancakes. I am thinking how blind I could ve to not feel how happy my people are. They are the most happiest they have been in years. I look at Feli's cute face and his curl. I hug him tighter. Maybe this isn't so bad... Maybe Sweden is wrong.


(Sweden's pov)

He has Germany, Russia, Italy, Min dotter and Sealand under his control! We need to stop him now. I look at England and I see that he is speaking with the, air? Wierd. Then I see the chains from Englands hands let go and he is free! "Engl'nd! G't us o't of h're!" Yell at him with a huge smile.

He nods and then we all are covered in purple pink dust. There is a bright light and I close my eyes, when I opened them I see that we are in England's house. "Okay 'e no' need to figur' out ho' are 'e going to stop h'm! 'e is g'ne mad w'th po'er!" I say and look around for eny answers. I see France looking kind of sad "I think we have to kill him" He says with tears filling his eyes. Finally! Someone agrees with my plan!

I look at the others and they all nod.  "Ok'y 'e need a p'an! Ho' are 'e go'ng to do th's?" I say and we are starting to write a plan so we could win and make the world a free one. I really hope that this will work!


(Canada's pov)

I am baking some pancakes. As I was bringing the pancakes to the main table I feel a magic energy coming from the room the other country's were held. I accidentally drop the plate that hold the pancakes, getting others attention, and then ran to the door. When I opend I see that every contry that was in here is gone.

I walk inside and see that Arthur must have some how gotten out of those chains that keeped so he couldn't use magic. I sigh and shake my head "Should have known" I whisper.

"Mat'hew?" I hear someone ask. I look down and see Åland there "Where is min mamma och pappa?" She asks. I look at the cells "They manage to escape and now are proply planing on how to stop me from being in power, and they are proply planing to kill me" I sigh. Åland hugs my leg "No! I won't let them! She says. I let out a sigh

Let's see how this will go....

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