Chapter 4

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(France's pov)

I don't think that Sweden's plan is the smartest. I am looking at the door while waiting for my Matthew to come thru. I let out a sigh then start to wonder why he did this. I start to think what happend before he took us here... But then I realysed why he did this. He has told me about his crush on Russia and he told me he is sick of being forgoten, but I haven't listened him. He did this because he wanted us to remeber him.. To notice him. I haven't even said him happy birthday in 16 years!! Why am so blind to see how sad my son is!? "Are you okay Francis?" I hear Alfred say. I look at him "No... I'm not" I say. I see that Alfred was about to say something to me but right then the door opened. I look at the door and see...


(Russia's pov)

I have been thinking on what that Matthew wants.. Power? No he has that already because he has all of the big contrys... Revange? Maybe... But from what? I see the door open and there is he again.. But if I am honest he has a beautiful blond hair. He kind of looks like a girl and that little curl on his head looks cu- "What am I thinking!? I shake my head and look at him. He closes the door and starts walking closer to me. He is face to face with me and I close my eyes then I hear a click and I see the chains, that keeped them so I couldn't move, were off.

I looked at Matthew and rise an eyebrow. He backs away little bit "Well? Are you going to stay there or what? You can move around this house but don't try to escape because everything is locked and only I know where the keys are" He says and leaves the room. I look at the door... It is open. I tilted my head confused. Didn't he want me to never leave this room? I step out of the room and look around. I see Åland, Italy, Sealand and the Baltics there playing UNO. Åland looking super angry while Italy, Sealand and the Baltics are trying not to laugh. I see Matthew doing pancakes. Why dose this look so... Peacefull? I thought that this would have been in a chaos but everyone looks happy and I can feel how happy my people are. Maybe this over take was a right choice.

I see an iron door and start walking to it. I hear Sweden's voise. I look and see Matthew looking at me. He smiles and turns away. I am so confused. Why is he so nice? He took over the whole world and hasn't been taken over by evil. I shake my head and open the door. I see every one there "IVAN / RUSSIA?!" They  in shock. "Wow... How did he knew to do this kind of cells... Nothing can break this!" I think. I look at them "So are you going to help us" Sweden asks "Sorry but I don't have the keys" I say and turn around to leave. I got out of the room and lock the door.


(German's pov)

I look at the door after it is closed "Awesome! Now Russia is on his side!" I hear Sweden's yell. "We need to get out before he brainwashes enyone else!" I yell. I see America looking around. He takes few steps back and bolts at the door with all his forse. It bends outward. My eyes widen in shock. How strong can America be!? These are stronger than the strongest metal and iron tougher! The foor gose back to normal that is something that I haven't never seen

He runs again at the door and it dosen't even shake. America looks mad "I won't let that communist control my brother! I bet he is behind all of this!" America yelled angrily. He ran at the door again. And again. Aand again. I sigh and start thinking... What did Matthew do to Feli? "America you need to calm down! Can't you see that this is what Canada wants you to think! He wants us to not pay attention on him so he could win!" Sweden yells..  I let out a sigh and then start to think about Italy.


(Canada's pov)

I've finnished the pancakes and right then I see Ivan walking out of the room where the others are. I place the plate down where are the pancakes. I look at Ivan and start walking to him "Ivan, I want to show you something. Follow me" I say. He nods and starts to follow me. I've learned that his favorite flower is the sunflower so I took him in my house's back yard.

We get to the back yard and I see his eyes widen in shock. He looks at me and then back at the yard. The sun is setting right behind the flowers and my house is on a cliff so it has a beautiful seen from here. I look at him and see that he has a smile. My yard has an invisible fence. "You can go look a little closer at them ya know?" I say with a smile. And before I knew it, he was running in between the flowers. He looked so cute.

I let out a little chuckle because how cute he is. He looks big and scary from the outside but has a heart of a child in him. I continue to watch and smile at him. I see him running at me and I was confused but then he wrapped his arms around me "Thank you so much Matthew" He says. I gess that I brighted up his day. "There isn't much sunflowers in Russia" He says. I hug back "No proplemo Ivan! Glad that you liked it" I say with a smile.

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