Chapter 1

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(No ones pov)

Matthew williams is country named Canada and he is never remebered. Kumajiro who is Matthew's polar bear cub pet. He found Kuma when he was still living with his papa. Kuma always cares for his owner so when he saw the baltic's and he knew his owners plans to take over the world for a bit, he ran to the three baltic's. Estonia was the first one to see the little cub. He picked Kuma up "What's your name little boddy?" Estonia asked "Kumajiro" The cub answered "Where is your owner?" Estonia asks "Don't know." Kuma says. Estonia turns to look at the others "Latvia, Lithuania! Let's find this little buddy's owner!" Estonia said. The two nodded and Kuma started to lead them to where Matthew is. When they get there Matthew runs to Kuma "There you are! I was worried sick!" Matthew says and hugs the bear tightly. Kuma looks at the three baltic's. Matthew sees the baltic's "Oh Hi!" Matthew says and puts Kuma down. "Hi Canada!" Estonia says. Matthew looks happy "You remebered who I was! That is first time in forever!" Matthew says with a big smile. The baltic's look at Kuma, confused. "Friends?" Kuma says. Matthew looks at the baltic's. "Sure! We wouldn't mind being Matthew's friends!" Latvia says with a huge smile and the other baltic's nod. Matthew looks like he's about to cry. He got his first friends in long time! Sure he has his family but they almost always forget him. Canada hugs the baltic's tight because they care. They hugged back and now a new friendship has started.


(Few weeks later)

(Matthew's pov)

I am in the meeting room and as always there is chaos. England and France are fighting. America is eating a cheese burger. Italy is yelling for pasta. Japan is just looking at this mess. Russia and Finland are having little fight. China is just keeping his head in his hands. The other nordics are just looking at Russia and Finland. Romano is getting pretty tierd of this chaos and so is Germany. He slams his hands on the table and everyone silence. "We are here to have a meeting of how we can help others! NOT how are we are going to cut off someones head!" Germany yelled. Kumajiro was on my lap sleeping and that woke him up. Germany sighed and look at the clock "It is 11pm... Du bist abgewiesen" Germany said. America was the first to leave the meeting room. Kuma jupped off my lap and looked up at me. I start to pack my stuff when I hear kuma grolwing at something behind me. I turn around and see Russia there. I know why he is here, he thinks that I am my brothers... "Hello, America." He says. I see that he has his metal pipe. "I need that money that you ove me" He says. "HE HASN'T STILL GIVEN THAT MONEY BACK!?" I think in my head. I put my backpack on my back and I take few steps back. I sometimes wonder why I like him if he dosen't even notice me. He swings his pipe and I dodge it. I pick up Kuma I ran out of the door. I get to my car and drive away.


Once I get to my house I ran in it. I close and lock the door. I sigh and go to my room, Kumajiro following me. I opened the door and then I see what I've planed for few weeks. I want to take over the world.. But not too long just like a year or four. That would make them notice me, for sure. Next meeting is tommorow. I am glad that the baltic's wanted to help me with this. They are angry at them too because how the others ignore me. Someone knocked the door "Matthew? The gass is ready" I hear Estonia say. "Okay Eduard. Remeber to keep it safe!" I say to him "Oki doki!" He says and leaves. I look at my plans "Are you sure you want to do this?" I hear a little voise ask. "Don't worry Kuma. No one will get hurt badly" I say and pat his little polar bear cub head. He gives me a smile. "Okay Kumajiro.. Lets get ready for tommorow" I say with a smile. Kuma nods and rans out to look at what the Baltic's are doing. I sigh and look at the bord where I have my plan. I look everything

-Get someone to help you ×
-Make the gass ×
-get them in one place
-use the gass


I sigh "I hope that you aren’t going to be mad at me... I am sorry papa but this is the only thing I could think of" I whisper to myself. I nod and start walking to the gest room. Everything is okay in there. Then I go to the 'cell's'. Everything is nice and clean. I sigh and walk back up stairs. There I see Lithuania (Toris), Latvia (Ravis), Estonia (Eduard) and Kuma playing. Toris walked up to me "Matthew, we will help you. Are you sure that Mr. Russia wouldn't do something if he escaped?" Toris asked. I know that he dosen't have best history with the russian. "Don't worry I know what I am doing" I answer with a smile. We went to bed. Tommorow everyone will remeber me..

(next day)

I am walking back to the meeting room. Toris had put the gass in to the wents and the rest I have to do. Kuma is with the Baltic's. I look in the meeting room to see that everyone is there. I close the door and lock it. I takr out a button that has maple leaf on it. I push it and let out a sigh and smile.

(Alfred's pov)

Iggi is yelling at me. I role my eyes but as I do it I see purple gass coming out of the wents "ARE YOU EVEN LISTEING!?" Arthur yelled. I said nothing but pointted at the purple gass. Arthur turns around. His eyes widen as the gass starts to spread. "What the Bloddy heck is going on!?" He yells, getting everyone's attention. Italy rans to the door and trys to open it. "IT WON'T OPEN!" He yelled. I ran at the door with my full speed and it didn't even crack. I turn to look others  "Hey Germany, I would like to hear your plan.." I say. He was about say something but then started coughing because of the gass. He fainted and I stared to bang on the door harder. Few others started too. Soon I and Arthur were the last one's standing "Arthur... I am sorry for the times I was enoing.. If we won't survive... I am sorry." I said  "Don't worry Alfred we will get out of here!" Arthur said. After that he fainted. I was about to faint untill I hear the door open. I see someone with a gass mask on. I try to stay awake. The person starts to walk to me and then bends down to my level. He put his hand on my head "N-no.. I.. C-can't.. F-fall.... A-asleep" I thought fighting the need to go to sleep. "Close your eyes Alfred" The person said. My eyes started to close and last thing I felt was someone picking me up..

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