Mark shrugged. "I don't have to decide now anyways, I have a while." That was true. But it was still better for him to decide sooner rather than later. "Enough about this, okay? I just wanted to let you guys know. We should stop talking about it," he said.

Jackson and Jinyoung both wanted to say something but decided that they probably shouldn't. "So what should we do now then?" Jackson asked.

"Do you guys maybe want to go on a date?" Mark suggested, grinning. 

Jinyoung liked that idea. "Where to?"

Mark pondered for a moment. "We could just go down to the river? And walk around, buy some food, and be all cliche and shit." He winked.

Jinyoung grinned. "Sounds like a good idea to me," he said. Jackson expressed his agreement.

The three of them put on some sweatshirts because it was getting a little late and decided to walk down to the river. It didn't take them too long, only about half an hour, but by the time they got there, the sky had already turned brilliant shades of orange and pink.

"It's so beautiful," Jackson marveled. 

"But not as beautiful ad you," Jinyoung said, winking at his boyfriend only to be slapped on the arm by both Jackson and Mark. 

"Fucking sap," Jackson grumbled with a smile. 

The trio walked down the length of the river with their arms slung over each other's shoulders, passing other couples and families doing the same thing they were. They talked about lots of things, not paying attention to anything around them and just enjoying their time together.

They took a small detour when they saw a small stand selling popsicles. Jackson got all excited and bought them each the strawberry flavor. 

After that, they continued walking around without a destination in mind. By the time they finished their popsicles, it was almost completely dark and there weren't really any more people around. 

Jinyoung sighed. "Do you think we should head back?"

Mark shook his head. "Not yet." He swiftly took off his sweatshirt and then his jeans and had jumped into the river before the other two could react. Wow, it's deeper than it looks, Jinyoung thought.

Mark's head resurfaced and then he beckoned them to join. Jackson was all for it, kicking off his shoes and then the rest of his clothes, leaving only his boxers, before canon-balling in. When he came back up, he had a pout on his face and said that he had hit his ass on the floor of the river.

Jinyoung giggled and covered his mouth with his hand. "Come on," Mark prompted, drawing out the word. "It's not that cold."

Jinyoung rolled his eyes but started to undress. He did it somewhat slowly, for the enjoyment of his two boyfriends. The cool air hit his bare skin and he shivered slightly.

He tip-toed to the edge and started to wade in, scrunching up his face at the cold. 

"See, that wouldn't have happened if you had jumped in," Jackson said when Jinyoung reached the other two. But that didn't make the water any warmer.

The water reached to just the middle of his torso, slightly above the bottom of his ribs. His boyfriends eyed him, noticing that his whole upper half was dry. "Wait, I know what you're thinking- NO!" he yelled as the two tackled him and pushed him all the way under.

He resurfaced gasping for breath and glaring and the two males. They just giggled and tried to swim away before Jinyoung could hurt them. He grumbled and didn't bother chasing after.

They tentatively swam back when they deemed it was safe. Mark looked up. "Look at the stars," he breathed, eyes transfixed on what was above. Jinyoung and Jackson did just so, gasping a little when they saw. 

"They aren't usually this bright," Jackson said. Jinyoung nodded as he took in the scene. He wished they could look like that all the time.

"Look, a shooting star!" Jackson said dramatically. Jinyoung scanned the sky but saw nothing of the sort.

"You..." Mark said, looking equally amused and irritated at Jackson's antics. "I guess we won't be having our cliche night after all."

Jinyoung sucked in a breath. "I don't know about that," he said. "We can still make a wish."

Mark hummed. "I'll make one for us." He grabbed Jinyoung's left had and Jackson's right one. They intertwined their fingers and held on tightly. 

He took a deep breath before saying, "I wish that no matter what, and no matter where life takes us, we'll always come back to each other. I wish that we will always be together and love each other with all our hearts. And nothing should come in the way of that."

And as Jinyoung looked at him and his eyes looking up at the sky, he knew those words would turn out to be true.

A/N: I guess I'm updating on an irregular schedule now aH

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