Chapter 11 - The Battle of Sallust

Start from the beginning

"Master!" Saiph yelled trying to pry the cockpit open and he pushed, with it popping open and R2-D2, Anakin's Astromech started to extinguish the fire spraying Obi Wan in the process.

"No- thank thank you." Obi Wan started, but was sprayed again in the face.

"No- thank you R2, that's quite enough. He said drawing down his hands.

"Are you alright?" Saiph asked worriedly, looking at her Master.

"Yes, Saiph I am. Thank you." Obi Wan responded before hopping out and dusting his shoulders off. The three then looked to Ventress' ship. Anakin and Obi Wan immediately ignited their lightsabers and once they started to walk towards it, Saiph noticed that the cockpit had hissed open and a woman climbed out, standing on the top of her ship.

"Ventress," Obi Wan started. "You're not looking well."

Saiph had her first look at the woman who she had learned long ago was a Sith and had heard many tales. Ventress was tall, thin and white as porcelain. She did not have any hair and there were purple marlins across her skin. She wore a long dark purple skir with a large belt that had two angled lightsabers attached to it. Furthermore, Obi Wan was right, the woman did not look well. She had a hand on her stomach and she looked upset, almost as if she had been betrayed.

"She never does." Anakin mumbled and Saiph looked to them and back at Ventress as Obi Wan pointed his lightsaber at the woman on top of her ship.

"You have failed Ventress, surrender." He said, keeping his ground. Saiph wondered why he didn't look a bit nervous at all.

Ventress' eyes narrowed, "Never." She then flipped as she screamed, igniting her sabers and clashing them against Obi Wan's and Anakin's lightsabers. Saiph stayed back with her green lightsaber ignited, waiting to see if she would be needed. Many jabs and slices were swung but were either deflected or dodged. Just then, Obi Wan was kicked in the stomach and thrown across the floor. Saiph then ran in to go aid Anakin with Ventress. She ran forward as Anakin was force pushed against the wall and fell to the floor. Saiph clashed her green lightsaber against Ventress' red ones and was pushed back. Saiph realized that she had a tactical advantage for being much smaller and then came up with a small, quick plan. She ran at Ventress again, and just before Saiph looked like she was going to aim for her opponents head, she slid down between Ventress' legs, cutting her skirt. She then jumped up and tried to slash at her back but was kicked in the stomach and flew across the hangar to hit the wall. Her head colliding with the metal in the process.

By this time, Anakin and Obi Wan has recovered and were now battling Ventress again when Obi wan unarmed her and forced her against her won ship.
She was panting excessively pausing, but suddenly stood up and screamed reaching her hand soit and force choking the two jedi in front of her. Once Saiph recovered, she rubbed her eyes and slowly stood up. She was met with the sight of Anakin and Obi Wan, dangling in the air holding their throats.

Then there was a loud echoing bang and the ship shuddered, which caused Ventress to fall, letting Obi Wan and Anakin's breathed again. Obi Wan and Anakin advances on Ventress, pushing her back when the ship started to lean towards. Asajj Ventress' ship creaked and slid against the floor to where the three were dueling. Saiph ran forward even though her head was aching tremendously and reached the three when they jumped over the sliding pursuit craft. Once again, the ship started to lean in the opposite direction, causing the four to have to move away once the craft started to slide towards them. Saiph couldn't tell who, but someone kicked Ventress and her one lightsaber went flying, leaving her with one left. The three started to advance on her, with their lightsabers clashing at hers and then finally, Obi Wan flicked his wrist which twisted Ventress' second lightsaber out of her hand. She was without a weapon now.

"It's over." Anakin said sternly pointing at Ventress and she just painted and smiled evilly. Saiph heard a roaring sound of a craft and saw a vulture droid which was in flames, flying straight for the hangar they were in. Before she could process what was happening, Obi Wan had yelled.

"Anakin, Saiph- look out!" He jumped and pulled Saiph to the floor as Anakin jumped the other way. The craft exploded against the wall and metal flew everywhere. Smoke billowed and started to cloud in the air.

"We need to get out of here." Obi Wan yelled and Anakin's nodded.

"Abandon ship. Abandon ship." A robotic voice filled the hangar as Obi Wan, Anakin and Saiph flew to their ships, flying out of the hangar and towards the Republic fleet.


The three had landed in the main Republic command ship and Saiph felt a pounding in her head. When she put her hand to her head, she felt something wet. Pulling away, she saw some red stains her hand.

"Master?" She asked and Obi Wan looked to her, then saw her hand.

"Saiph, we need to get you to the med bay." He said and Saiph only looked at her hand. She couldn't process anything. She realized then that she was in shock.

"Anakin, go and take watch on the control deck while I deal with Saiph." Obi Wan said and Anakin's nodded, running off in the other direction.

She let Obi Wan hold her arm and she didn't comprehend anything. All she remembered was her lying down on a white bed as a blinding light surrounded her, and some gas that made her fall asleep, falling into darkness.


Gah this is short again! 😩 It's just the beginning chapter as they will get longer soo... I promise!



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