Wined and Dined

Depuis le début

I didn't realize Thomas was watching me so attentively.
"What is it exactly that your gazing at?" He asks as he pulls my chair out for me. I sit and answer his question.
"The flow and setup. I love the decorations, it's like we're sitting outside but inside simultaneously. And the lighting is just perfect. Light enough to see what you're doing. But dim enough to be in a romantic setting." I continue to ramble about the inside until I stop myself.
"Sorry, that's the designer in me coming out. Everywhere I go I make note of how things are laid out, my likes, dislikes." Thomas just nods along with every word I'm saying.
"So you're a designer?"
"Well yes, and no. Yes, because I do make a lot of my own things. No, because according to society, I haven't yet "made it". I say with finger quotes. Just then the waitress comes and asks what we're drinking.
"We'll have Cristal"
"Right away" the waitress turns to me and breaks her smile and walks away.
"I'd like to see some of your designs" his gaze is so striking I wish he'd just look away.

"Your champagne sir."

"Thank you, WE really appreciate it

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"Thank you, WE really appreciate it." I take the liberty to respond to her, she was doing what she was doing on purpose. Even though this isn't a "date" per say, we came together. It's rude to just ignore me. Thomas is just looking at me, stare at the waitress. She breaks the silence.

"Okay well are you all ready to order?" Thomas gestures to me to order first.
"I'll have the Filet Mignon special, medium rare, please." I say handing her the menu.
"Great, and for the gentleman." I'm looking at her and how she unbuttoned her shirt since dropping off the champagne. I just smile and look away. Back to admiring the restaurant. I guess I was dazed in thought, because I hadn't even hear Thomas repeat his question.
"Oh I'm sorry, what did you say?"
"Your designs...I'd love to have a look." He says drink some of his champagne. How does he even make THAT. Drink champagne like so seductive.
"Um well, you actually have seen one already, the Swarovski Crystal costume I was wearing at the club, I made that."
"Really?!" He asked with a shocked but impressed look.
"That was amazing, it looked like a true designers work. It looked extremely expensive, and the detail. You did a superb job." I was flushed at his compliment. Nobody really takes the time to admire the details, and certainly not a man at that.
"Thank you, I really appreciate that" I say while drink some of my champagne.
"So what is it you do?"
"I own MarTech, I like to "be the boss"" he says with air quotes. I realize he's doing that because of what I said earlier.
"Eh or you just like to be in control, and demanding."I say looking at him over my champagne glass.
"To an extent. I'd say it's more of, knowing what I want, and obtaining it by any means necessary, kind of thing. And you know Alesa, it's not such a bad thing to be...dominant. Y'know, having someone under you, wanting to please you."

Just then the waitress comes back with our food. And thank goodness she did because chile. I can just tell this man don't play. The way he was talking I just know he was hinting to something other than running his company.
"Filet Mignon, for the lady. And Sautéed Mushrooms and Truffle Salt Crostini for the gentleman. If there is anything, anything whatsoever I can do to please you, don't hesitate to let me know." She says eyeing Thomas.

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