Chapter 27

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I wasn't one to bite my nails but I felt the need to bite them now. My heart was still in my throat and Thaddeus was hugging me to him to stop me from going by Cal.

"How long is this supposed to take?" He sighed heavily.

"His body needs to transition into the new change." Tad told me and I stared at him.

"Come on Amber, don't be so hard on yourself." I turned to glare at Chris.

"How could I not be?" My chest tightened. "If I never went out with his father we wouldn't have met and he would be living his life as a normal human."

"With a sister who ODed and a father who abuses him; yeah he would be living a normal life." Vern shook his head as he spoke.

"He's right, you saved him then and you would save him now." I looked at Chris.

"I haven't done anything but hold him." I squeezed Thaddeus' hand tighter. "And put him in this condition."

"Well would you look at that, Amber George feeling sorry for herself. I wonder what your mother would say if she could see you." Vern tsked.

"She'd probably tell you to put on your big girl panties." I turned as Sylvie appeared and folded her arms.

"What are you doing here?" Vern asked her and she looked at him before looking at Cal on the ground.

"Can't a mother visit her only child." He rolled his eyes.

"Okay then." She walked over and ran a hand through Nevin's fur.

"I love touching werewolf fur." She purred.

"What are you doing here Sylvie?" She looked at Thaddeus.

"Hello Wiccan." She pursed her lips. "I want you to find Una."

"We just saw Una, she isn't in an easy location now." Thaddeus told her and she rolled her eyes.

"She has some explaining to do. She changed HIstory."

"What did she do?" She looked at me then at Thaddeus.

"She made him Wiccan." We all sort of stared at her as though she had grown a second head.

"He is the Wiccan though." She shook her head.

"How long have you been Wiccan?" She asked Tad and he opened his mouth and frowned before releasing me and thinking deeply.

"250 years." I told him and he shook his head.

"No, 275." He corrected and I shook my head.

"No Thaddeus, you've been Wiccan for 250 years and this is your final year. If you don't retire this year you would have to wait another 50 years." Each Wiccan had a term of 150 years. Special cases included an early protege that could start immediately upon retirement. Which Thaddeus explained was what he wished to do and if he missed this window, he would have to wait 50 more years when his second term was actually over.

"That's the thing, according to our History he took after the previous Wiccan 275 years ago; 25 years earlier than he was supposed to." My eyes widened.

"Nevin killed the previous Wiccan. We were coming back from the past and a message interrupted the spell." I told her as I inched closer to Cal.

"Highly doubt it was a message. Probably Una making sure the future works out the way she wants it to." I frowned.

"Why?" Sylvie played with Nevin's fur some more before she stared at Cal.

"I'm not sure why."

"Do you know of any other changes?" I asked.

"Wait, how do you know things are different to begin with?"

"Oh Chris, don't forget I can glimpse into the future if I wanted to. That allows me to know when History has been tampered with." Thaddeus looked at me with his eyes open and his mouth formed an O.

"What?" He looked at Nevin then at me then at Nevin again.

"I have a son."

"I know, he's right there." He shook his head.

"Una and I. I have another son; he was born 20 years before I met you." My eyes widened.

"She can't do that." Sylvie stood. "I'm going to pull Una, and when I do Vern anchor her."

"Mom, with all due respect, she's more powerful than me." Vern pointed out very casually and Sylvie rolled her eyes.

"I don't see the big deal. So Thaddeus has two children instead of just one." Sylvie shook her head.

"The Wiccan is only allowed to have one child while being Wiccan, it keeps the power stronger." I frowned.

"So what does that mean? Nevin isn't his son?"

"He's my son. We met we fell in love Nevin was born but he grew up with me." I stepped back.

"No, I raised my son." He shook his head.

"Una appealed to the court that Nevin would be more powerful if he lived with me." My eyes widened.

"So what happened to me?"

"Nothing." He put a hand to his head.

"What is it?" Vern doubled over as well.

"Because they are consciously aware of the fact that the past isn't as it's supposed to be, their mind is fighting over reality." A loud gasp had me looking at Cal as his body started convulsing again. I was torn. Did I comfort my brother, my lover or my son. Nevin collapsed and I along with him.

"What's happening?" I felt sick to my stomach and crawled over to Cal to check him for a fever.

"Amber..." I looked back as Chris collapsed as well and my eyes watered. I turned to look back at Sylvie and she was lying over Nevin with laboured breaths. The smell of paper burning filled the air and I struggled to look up and looked at Una as she smiled.

"Surprise, I win."

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