Chapter 23

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I had no idea how long I was out, but when I came to Thaddeus was sitting next to me with a deep frown on his face.

"What did you do?" I hissed as I sat up and looked around the concrete structure in confusion.

"I got them to free you." I glared at him so hard I was sure he would combust.

"Where the hell are we?" I snapped and he rolled his eyes.

"Brazil." I tried to compose myself.

"Why on earth are we here?" I hissed.

"There was a mix-up between the relocation spell and time spell. I probably crossed the words or something."

"Where's Nevin?" I stood and swayed slightly.

"He's..." He trailed off.

"Of all the things, really?" I pressed a hand to my stomach and covered my mouth with the other.

"You have a concussion." He was approaching me.

"It'll heal in a little." I took a deep breath. "How did this happen?" He stared at me before frowning.

"There was an interruption in the spell and when I started back I must not have started back at the right time."

"What kind of interruption?" I rose an eyebrow.

"A message."

"This message better be important, locate him." Thaddeus blinked before rubbing his hands together.

"I'm not getting anything."

"Really, powerful Wiccan like you." I snapped and took off my earrings and then my ring. I slipped them in my pocket and placed my hand on Thaddeus' shoulder. "Go ahead, try again. And look for Cal as well."

"I'll even throw in that mutt for you." He grumbled and he took a little bit before his shoulders sagged. "Found them. 18th century California."

"Let's go."

"It takes a lot of power to perform these four spells at once." I looked at him and slipped off one of my skin toned bracelets.

"Do it." He frowned.

"Amber, it is dangerous for you to do that."

"What, am I going to combust?" I snapped and he took my hands and closed his eyes and in no time we vanished only to reappear in another forest with the sound of gunshots going off.

"Hang on, let me pinpoint their exact location." He stooped and I stooped with him. He moved his hands around before rubbing them together and I kept a lookout. "Got it." He took my hand again and we disappeared and reappeared on a strange stage with Gabriel, Cal and Nevin on it.

"Nevin!" I moved towards him but stopped when a gun cocked.

"Get back witches!" I spun around and stared at the man holding the gun and my eyes drifted to the nooses around their necks.

"That's my son!" I almost screamed. I didn't actually know if Nevin was immortal or not since we never tried it out but I knew I didn't want to. "And I'm not a witch." They stared at me.

"Mom." I turned to look at Cal as his eyes filled with tears.

"It's going to be okay." I nodded my head and stood in front of him. Nevin and Gabriel would probably be able to survive a bullet wound but not Cal.

"Cut the rope." Thaddeus stood and they stared at him and a man from the shadows stepped forward. He scowled at us.

"And who are ye to give such orders?" I knew him. He was the previous Wiccan. No one ever spoke of him but his picture was there and he was an incredibly hard man to find information on.

"He's a witch." Nevin whispered and I shook my head.

"He's a Wiccan. Look at the crest on his shirt; it belongs to the council of witches." I whispered back and Gabriel twitched. "I don't remember hearing about witch killings in California." I chewed on my cheek.

"Those boys there are my sons and they ain't no witch." Thaddeus spoke up and the Wiccan lifted his gun.

"Then explain how they appeared in front of us out of nowhere." The Wiccan smirked and I moved to stand in front of Thaddeus.

"I'm the witch!" I shouted. "I was trying to give them haircuts and I did something wrong. So let my sons and our barnkeep go." I couldn't remember if black people were allowed to have says at this time but I doubt they did. History was not my favourite.

"What are you doing?" Thaddeus hissed.

"I can't die. When they cut the nooses free, get them out of here." He was shaking his head.

"I'm not leaving you here."

"Come back for me. I'll stall, give you three minutes tops to return them and come back." He was shaking his head.

"I won't leave you."

"And I'm telling you to." He shook his head.

"There's another way." I shook my head.

"This is the only way." I hissed.

"I stand by my wife." Thaddeus hissed and I snared at him.

"What are you doing?"

"Nevin can perform the time travel spell. That's all he has to do." He looked back at Nevin.

"Our children are innocent, let them go." The Wiccan tsked.

"Can't do that. They harboured you, they die as well." He raised the gun to my head and the other men with guns raised their guns so each of us had a gun to our head.

"Thaddeus!" I cried.

"Nevin, now!" And I didn't know I could scream so hard as the first bullet flew from the gun and hit Nevin in his head.

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