Chapter 26

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It was hard to tell if there was any significant difference between this week and the last but I assumed the spell worked. I led Cal outside with Nevin behind us and Tad pulling up the rear.

"What time is it?" I asked Vern and he glanced at his watch.

"Just after 6. I say we have maybe two hours before Nevin can bite him." Cal hunched over and looked up at me.

"I don't feel too good." I guided him to the floor and rubbed his back as his breathing slowed.

"I don't think we have two hours." I told them and Thaddeus came over to him and started chanting lowly. "How long does a splice take?" I asked Vern.

"Depends on the castor. It could take maybe two minutes to four hours." My eyes widened.


"But the Wiccan is doing it so maybe fifteen minutes, give him twenty to ensure he gets all the genes, because even one left unspliced can cause the world of problems."

"Is there another way?" Nevin asked as he took off his clothes, sitting in his boxers alone.

"Maybe a vampire. Why is Nevin biting him?"

"Una said he would die if Gabriel bit him. She said to let Thaddeus open up his genetic sequence and then let Nevin bite him." I passed a hand through his hair. "Mummy has you." I whispered.

"Amber this is crazy." Vern said and placed his hand on my back.

"I can't let him die." I was crying. "We have to do something." I hugged him tighter and I felt someone else place a hand on me.

"Uncle Vern, maybe you could get grandpa." I heard Nevin say. "As a backup."

"I'll be right back." The scent of burning paper filled the air and I blinked rapidly.

"What's happening?" Chris asked as he reappeared with Vern and came closer to me.

"Too many spells, we're going to have him switch."

"What did he want to change to?"

"Honestly, a witch but we told him witches were born not made."

"So what's his backup?"

"Werewolf." Vern answered. "Hence why Nevin's here but we need a backup in case he crashes before the splice is completed."

"So I just need to be ready?"

"Yes." I told him and stared at Thaddeus as he stopped chanting. Cal began convulsing and my heart jumped up my throat.

"It's now or never." Thaddeus' voice was horse but Nevin stepped forward and stretched his hands over his head and shifted into his wolf form. Standing on four paws instead of two legs, with sandy coloured fur covering his body and dark eyes staring at me before he moved towards Cal and tilted his head.

"I don't know." I held his head tighter and raised a portion of his shirt before putting it back down. I held up his shaking hand and Nevin sniffed it before opening his snout and biting. He stayed there for a count of ten seconds before releasing his hand and stepping back. His body continued to convulse and I hissed as his skin began heating up.

"What is it?" Vern asked, his voice a panic.

"He's heating up." I hissed again and winced.

"Well let him go." Chris snapped and I shook my head.

"He's right. Just let him lie on the grass." I shook my head and Thaddeus grabbed me and began pulling me away.

"Let me go!" I shouted and Vern helped him as they pulled me away and Chris laid Cal back on the ground and his body stopped convulsing.

"Now what?" Chris asked

"Now, we wait."

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