Chapter 21

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"You're joking." Cal breathed out.

"Puh-lease. I kid you not." He drank from the bottle again before passing it to Gabriel. "Well mom's fireproof and so am I so, we survived." I shook my head.

"I wouldn't say fireproof."

"No supernatural is fireproof." I sighed at Gabriel.

"Actually, members of the State Coven and true bloods are fireproof. Werewolves don't have the ability but the other two do." I tapped a finger to my chin and frowned. "Well I've never met a werewolf fireproof."

"So you aren't fireproof?" I cocked my head a little to the left and mused.

"I'm not, the flames didn't touch me and I don't know why." I looked back at Nevin. "And since Nevin is my son he wouldn't combust." Maybe I should tell them the rest.

"Are you sure you aren't a witch?" Cal asked looking at me seriously.

"Positive." I smiled.

"So you have no problem with her marrying around?" Tad looked at Gabriel and shrugged offhandedly.

"A mortal's life is not even 1/8th of mine. Why might I fret myself with a mortal and my mate when she would never love them the way she loves me." I rolled my eyes.

"Way to not sound conceited." I muttered. "Anyway, you aren't supposed to be here."

"So when you said mortal, you were speaking about me?" Cal asked and I looked at Tad.

"No, I would never talk about my new son like that. I was speaking about the mutt companion who is also a mortal. But I can not ask why she keeps mutts around when our son is half werewolf and I do love my son." Thaddeus gave a rare smile to Cal and Cal smiled back before he looked back at me. "I told you, there is to be a new Wiccan." He snapped and I turned to glare at him.

"You still aren't supposed to be here." I hissed and he glared at me.

"There's still a problem." Cal spoke up and I turned to look at him.

"Oh?" Tad raised an eyebrow.

"If you say that you're souls are bound together, then what happens to Gabriel?" I turned to look at the quiet Alpha.

"The best option would be to find Fate and have her unbind his soul." And maybe give him a better mate, but I didn't say that.

"Okay, where is Fate?" Nevin laughed.

"Never where, always when."

"What?" Cal asked confused.

"Because Fate has the ability to glimpse into the future, she's always in the past." Nevin explained.

"That doesn't make sense." Gabriel spoke up.

"It doesn't make sense to a simpleton like you. Simply put, Una is never in the same time period for too long."

"So when is she?" Cal inquired.

"Before we go stumbling upon Una there are some rules." I spoke up and looked at them all. "Don't say anything unless she's speaking directly to you and if you could avoid answering avoid it. Don't lie around her, she'll run. Leave all the talking to me."

"Okay, but how do we find her?" I looked at Tad and he shrugged.

"Before I do this, you must think of something that will ground you to this particular time period. Anything. Could be two minutes ago, two hours ago, doesn't matter. It has to be this year, this day, this month." Gabriel stood.

"Let's do this." Tad extended his hand and I took it and extended a hand towards Cal and we formed a chain.

"Ready?" I nodded.

It took us a few seconds to arrive and become scorched by the heat that was coming off the land. I looked around and cursed. The sandy roads and provocative clothes that I now wore was a clear indication of where we were.

"Where are we?" I looked at Gabriel and shook my head. They were all dressed similarly in colourful tops and loose fitting pants and Tad had the privilege of having a sword on his waist. "And why do you look like that?" He was staring at my exposed clevage and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm a consort most likely and you three are advisors." I looked at Tad as he stared at me and I turned away.

"Consort?" Cal questioned.

"I'm guessing we're in 17th century Istanbul, also known as Constantinople."

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