Chapter 15

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I was holding unto Nevin's hand tightly as we walked out of the house. I always felt bad using him like this but he never complained and he seemed to enjoy causing mayhem.

"You're okay!?" Gabriel was hugging me and I pulled away startled by the action and he looked over at Nevin and stared at him for a long time before Nevin growled at him and he blinked.

"How?" Cal was staring at us and I smiled slowly and looked to Vern. He nodded slowly and turned to one of the cars.

"The cops might be here soon once reports start coming in about the fire. We need to leave." He said and I nodded and moved towards the bike.

"Meet you back at the tarmac, we'll be safe at my place. Get Hector to meet us there." Vern twisted his face in distaste but nodded as he moved to the car.

"Cal and Nevin, you're with me." Nevin smiled at Cal and gestured towards the car where Cal uncertainly followed. I hopped on the bike and revved it before zooming off towards the tarmac. I didn't drive as fast as I did the first time but I was still eager to get back.

Once there I set the bike aside and got on board the waiting plane and moved towards the back to wash and dry my skin and rid it of the scent of burning wood. When I stepped out everyone was seated including Chris.

"I'll tag along. I already told the men to come for the cars." I nodded and took a seat. Gabriel came to sit beside me and he regarded me with seriousness.

"Yes?" I cocked an eyebrow and he looked up before looking back at me.

"What is your son?" My lips flattened.

"Why do you want to know?" My tone was sharp.

"I'm your mate." He said as though that was supposed to explain everything. My chest tightened and I looked away before looking back at him.

"I don't do packs. Your claim doesn't mean anything to me, I'm not abandoning my son for a mate." I hissed and he pulled back shocked. I would never leave Nevin.

"You're kidding right?" I glared at him.

"I'm 120 years old, I have long since given up the idea of having or finding a werewolf mate."

"But you go around and frolic with all these men?!" His tone was sharp.

"Do you know what it means to lose a mate?" He blinked shocked.

"You feel as though you've died. Or so I heard." I huffed and shook my head.

"Your soul connects you to your mate. If my mate dies, so would my soul and I could spend all eternity trying to repair a hole that might never be whole again." He stared at me. "My husband dies and I grieve his death but I'm not soulless. I have no intention of out living a mate." I turned my head.

"Well now that I've found you, I can't live without you." I turned back to face him and hummed.

"You know where I live." I shrugged and folded my arms over my chest.

"Who's Nevin's father?" I turned to look at him and pierced him with a glare so fierce he moved away slightly.

"That is most certainly none of your business." I stood and moved over to Cal and he watched me wearily. "Hey, you okay?" He stared at me for a long time before his eyes began watering.

"I'm fine… mom." My eyes widened and I swallowed past the lump in my throat.

"Good." I cleared my throat and he smiled at me. I had saved them. I hadn't fail them and for the first time in a long time I felt truly happy.


“This is your place Julie?” I looked over at Melissa and smiled.

“My name is actually Amber but yes, this is my place.” She blinked and stood frozen there before moving forward.

“What are we going to have to do in order to live here?” She questioned.

“Probably sell your soul.” Vern mumbled as he walked past them and entered the house.

“Don’t listen to him. You two are family and there is nothing you’re going to have to do beside be happy and live your best life.”

“Are you going to give them the option?” Chris asked and I looked at him.

“Of course I am. But first, we need to get inside there is a lot of stuff you need to know if you’re going to live here.” I started and ushered them forward. When they were all settled in the living room I turned to them and placed my hands in front of me.

“Julie?” Melissa inquired and I pursed my lips.

“Firstly, my name is Amber, Amber George and this is my son Nevin George. I’m biologically 120 years old but physically 20. I was born in a werewolf pack in Russia and I died in a small town close to there. My parents were murdered and Chris found and adopted me.”

“But you died.” Cal pointed out and I gave him a sad smile.

“I did. But somehow I came back alive.” I took a deep breath. “Chris is a vampire and Vern is a witch. Gabriel is a werewolf and you’ll meet Sylvie soon enough but she’s also a witch.” Cal started laughing.

“You’re joking right?” He was shaking his head and I shrugged. Vern stepped forward formed a fist and when he opened it a crumpled picture was on his hand. He passed his hand over it and restored the picture to its former glory. 

“Amber is many things, but she doesn’t joke and she doesn’t lie.” He stared at the picture slack jaw and I clapped a hand.

"As with everybody who's new you get the option to choose to live out your human life and die or join us for eternity." They stared at me as though I had lost all good sense.

"You're immortal?" I hummed.

"I suppose I am because I haven't died yet and I've been killed numerous times. Vampires technically are immortal unless murdered and since Chris is one of the true bloods, his immortality is garunteed. Witches have an extended life span often surviving over many generations and well werewolves do die the soonest. Maybe after 100 years or so, they aren't immortal." I shrugged.

"So what?" Cal asked after a long silence.

"The ball is in your court. You can choose anything you want. Whether you want to die at the end of your human life or you want live longer." I turned to Nevin and he smiled. "The choice is always yours."

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