Chapter 18

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~Gabriel's POV~

"Alpha." I looked up as my beta walked into my office and straightened. He was the only one I told about my possible retirement once I found a reasonable candidate to take my place. He had turned down the opportunity and I thought about my brother.

"Yes?" He shuffled his feet.

"There's a human female and male by the border. I think the female was here before." I scrunched up my eyebrows. Was Amber actually here to see me?

"I'll go." I stood slowly and moved around the office and out of the house and began jogging towards the scent I knew belonged to Amber. I found her by the Western border in a baby blue summer dress and knee high boots. She was accompanied by Cal who stood behind her as though he was afraid of the warrior that stood in front of them. "You can go." I grumbled and the warrior nodded and moved away.

"Gabriel." My name rolled off her tongue and made my spine tingle.

"I didn't expect to see you here." She rolled her eyes.

"Cal wants to become a werewolf." I blinked. Didn't she know that that was impossible. People had to be born with the werewolf gene in other to harness and live through a shift.

"That isn't possible." I shook my head and I watched as the boy's shoulder went up and down in defeat.

"I don't want to be a vampire you know." I blinked. "I thought werewolves were so cool."

"Only people with the gene can become werewolves." She cocked an eyebrow and folded her arms.

"How bizarre. Alpha's actually possess the power to turn wolves." She shrugged and turned back to Cal. "I suppose if he can't do it then there's nothing I can do about it." He sighed.

"I mean, I could try but I never heard of it being successful." His eyes filled with hope.

"When do we do this?" He was rubbing his hands together.

"First you should begin exercising more and prepare for the next full moon. That will be the best time to bite you." He stared at her and blinked.

"How much more exercising do I have to do?" She frowned.

"Well, Nevin is away so I suppose I will have to call someone to push you as far as possible." His eyes widened.

"I could do it. We could meet after your classes and go for 5 hours each day."

"5 hours!" He blanched. "You aren't serious, right?"

"He's very serious. In packs they start from as soon as you reach 10. Training in the forms of running, swimming and hand to hand combat until the shift comes." Amber told him and his face paled.

"That's brutal." She shrugged.

"No one wants to be classed as the wolf who couldn't shift or the wolf who died during their shift." She turned to look at the sky before looking back at me. "You can start now if you like." I nodded slowly.

"We can start with a jog, around the pack." She began shaking her head.

"All training will be done by my house." I was about to argue but I stopped; vaguely remembering what happened to her family.

"Of course, let me just put things in place." She turned and Cal turned with her.

"Do as you wish."


I felt as though her words were a taunt.

After settling with my Beta what had to be done with the pack, I went to her house and found her swimming in the lake with Cal. Her form was perfect and it appeared as though the water wasn't wetting her.

"Hey!" I shouted and she turned to look at me and said something to Cal and he moved out of the water.

"Yo." He smiled as he came closer to me but my eyes never strayed from her, even as she went back under the water and came back up for air. "Stop ogling my mom." He smiled as he hit my chest and I blinked and looked down at him.

"Where's your sister?" I scratched my neck.

"Rehab." His smile fell and I coughed.

"Let's get started." I started us off with a simple jog around the lake and by the time we were finished he was puffing. "You have a long way to go." He panted before dropping on the grass and staring up at me.

"I almost want to become a vampire instead." I laughed and stooped beside him.

"The work has only just begun. The full moon is at most 3 weeks away." He sighed heavily.

"When do I get a break?" He panted.

"When you can shift, successfully." She came out of the house with two towels and a large jug of water.

"Still quite brutal." He sighed and sat up and she handed him the towel and jug. "Is there a glass?" Her lips tilted up in a smirk.

"You have to drink all. You lost a lot of water swimming first then running." He eyed the jug and looked at me.

"You're my trainer, what do you suggest?" I glanced at her but her facial expression was nonchalant.

"I suggest you listen to your mother." He sighed and began sipping the water.

"It isn't wine, drink it." She snarled and he took a big gulp before pausing.

"This is going to be a long process." He whispered. She moved away slowly and turned her back walking back into the house.

"It'll be fun." I smiled and he eyed me suspiciously.

"So you're a werewolf right?" I nodded my head slowly. "Why are you so interested in my mom?"

"She's my soul mate." He stared at me for a long time.

"If there's anything I know about mom it's that she doesn't do guys." I frowned.

"What does that mean?"

"Yeah, she was with my dad but I never saw her love him or look at him the way you see in the movies. She looked at us with love but she never looked at him like that. She never looked at any guy like that." I frowned.

"Are you sure it wasn't just because he was abusive?" He looked up at the ceiling.

"The thing is, when we met she didn't look at you as though you were anyone special. You were looking at her as though she would be the mother of your children but she was staring at you as though you were just a man."

"So what do you suggest?" I was taking advice from a young adult.

"You wow her, you make her look at you as if she loves you. The way she looks at us." He shrugged and chugged down more water. "But you're a big guy, I can't tell you what to do." He shrugged again and I looked up at the sky.

"It wouldn't hurt to try."

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