Chapter 28 The Culprit?

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Natsumi sighed irritably. Ever since that demon had taken her jewel, her and TakeHiko had been arguing their entire trek along the forest trail that'd been made by travelers prior to them. They arrived at a riverside and paused, Natsumi pointing out a figure sprawled out on the river bank.
"TakeHiko shut up. What's that?" She asked, pointing to the figure. It was a slender figure with messy brunette hair, a black outfit, and looked to be dead.
"I dunno, wanna poke it with a stick?"
"Ew! Why would I do that?!"
"Would you rather poke it with your fingers?"
"See? I'm gonna poke it with a stick." That being said, TakeHiko walked over towards the creature, picking up a stick as he did. Once he was standing right behind the curve of its back, he began prodding it with the stick. The next events happened swiftly; the figure whirled over with a ferocious hiss, clawed hands slashing the stick out of TakeHiko's hand, its teeth and fangs bared in a snarl, causing TakeHiko to shriek and jump up into a tree.
"Don't touch me you leashed demon!" Hissed the figure, staring up at TakeHiko in disdain before scoffing out a plume of black mist sparking with jagged, white electrical arcs that looked like lightning against a storm cloud. After a few long moments, the figure rolled over again so its back was facing Natsumi and TakeHiko. Assessing that it, no he, was alive, Natsumi tried a gentler approach. Hesitantly, she approached the figure and prodded his shoulder, gaining another violent response.
"What." The lightning demon growled irritably.
"Hello. Um.. I'm sorry for TakeHiko's behavior. My name is Natsumi, what is yours?" She inquired gently. The demon addressed relaxed, and slowly rose to his feet, a spiked tail swaying behind him.
"Yemon." He replied, smiling the slightest bit. "My name is Yemon."
"Well, it's nice to meet you Yemon. TakeHiko, yield!" A loud thump was heard, followed by a yelp of pain. "Would you like to join us?"
".. Sure, why not? You're a nice enough lass." Yemon shrugged nonchalantly.
"Good. Let's go."

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