Chapter 8 An eye in my food

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Natsumi walked outside, the whole villager was waiting. "Um...what are they doing?" She asked Lady Hana. "They have been waiting for us before they eat, you are the guest of honor so you eat first." Lady Hana smiled. Natsumi smiled "They didn't have to" she said then sat down. She looked at a bowl, it was soup. "Let's eat everyone I'm star--" she stopped suddenly. An eyeball had popped up from the soup, Natsumi let out a very loud girlish scream. "Ew! Ew! Ew! Get it out!!" She yelled. Everyone stared at her and she stopped immediately. "That's the demon eye, it's considered a cherry to them.." Lady Hana whispered "Just eat it.." Lady Hana whispered. Natsumi hesitated then put it in her mouth. She was crying but it was muffled. Then everyone began eating, and she spit the eye back in her bowl and started to rub her tongue. "Such an awful taste..." She whimpered and a stick hit her on the head. "Ow! What was that for?" She glared at Lady Hana but she wasn't holding a stick. Lady Hana glanced above Natsumi "TakeHiko.." She whispered. TakeHiko smirked and grabbed ahold of Natsumi. "Aw you ruined the surprise dearest Hana..." She said with a sickening smile. Natsumi screamed loudly and TakeHiko looked annoyed "Stop screaming.." He growled. "I'll scream as much as I want!" Natsumi screamed again.

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