Chapter 27 A village slaughtered

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Natsumi jerked on Hayato's reigns which made him snort and look at her, TakeHiko didn't stop walking and ran into them. "Hey what's--" he stopped and looked around. "A whole village has been slaughtered.." Natsumi said with fear in her eyes. She jumped off Hayato and looked around, "they're all dead.." TakeHiko responded as he leaned over the body of a little girl. "This has demon written all over it.." He mumbled. There was a loud explosion and Natsumi took out her bow and saw a demon, "I think that's the culprit!" She yelled and released her arrow. The demon avoided the attack and reached for the jewel, "Natsumi look--" TakeHiko tried to warn her. Too late the demon had takene the jewel and laughed -master will be quite pleased.." It said in a deep voice. Natsumi fired another arrow "give it back!" She screamed but then the demon vanished. The arrow with black fire exploded in the sky hitting nothing. "Who is this master?.." She mumbled to herself. "TakeHiko! This is your fault for not helping out!" She pouted. "My fault?! It's your fault for not listening to me! That's a must demon, it can't be hit but can be tricked!" He yelled. "It's still your fault!" She had her arms folded, "it's not my!--" "yield boy!!" She commanded and he was on his but again.

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