Chapter 11 Katsutoshi, TakeHiko's older brother

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Katsutoshi meaning- to win cleverly
Natsumi leaned against a tree, her bow was at her side. She looked over at TakeHiko, maybe he's not so bad after all...he seems to have changed a lot...from a murderer to a total goofball... She thought in her mind. She let out a sigh then she turned her head to a noise. She stared at the spot "who's there?......" She asked loudly her eyes were narrowed. TakeHiko woke up and woke up Hayato who just snorted. TakeHiko was not next to Natsumi and he sniffed the air. He growled loudly and drew his sword. "TakeHiko? Who...what is it?.." Natsumi asked. "It's Katsutoshi.." He answered with his eyes narrowed. A voice came from no where, it was laughter. "I'm surprised you picked up my scent little brother...I had expected a half breed like you to be here.." He said in a cold voice and then stepped out of the shadows, he looked almost exactly like TakeHiko. But it was hard to tell with the coat he was wearing.

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