Chapter 1 The jewel

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This is more of a adventure/comedy/romance story.
TakeHiko meaning- military, boy/prince
Natsumi meaning- summer and beautiful
And now I present you, my newest book, Can a demon fall in love?
Natsumi sat in her bedroom with her door locked. She sighed as she finished her homework. She dropped the pencil, "finally! I'm done!" She exclaimed then she laid on her bed. She looked in the mirror staring at the jewel on her neck. She grabbed it and stared at it for a few minutes. "I don't know why grandpa gave me such a silly thing..." and she ripped it off throwing it in the middle of her room. She then looked at her long black hair and sighed, but that's when a light caught her eye. She looked over and got up, the jewel was glowing. It suddenly turned into some kind of tunnel, she screamed loudly. Her grandpa came in and grabbed her so she wouldn't be sucked in. "Natsumi!" He screamed to her, just then their grip on each other broke. Natsumi was sucked in and grandpa saw her face. A face with tears just as he tried to go in, the portal disappeared.

Can a half werewolf fall in love?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora