Chapter 29 Envy and Jealousy

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"So, tell me about yourself, Yemon." Natsumi hummed, walking alongside the floating demon. He looked down at her, shrugging nonchalantly.
"Well, what do you wanna know, Ma'am?"
"What are you, first of all? I haven't seen many creatures with.. Your features."
"A demon. A lightning demon." For emphasis, he created a small storm cloud in his palm, jagged arcs of vibrant white lightning sparking around it. "See?" Natsumi grinned, seeming amazed by such a simple act.
"So he makes storms, big deal. Show off." Grumbled TakeHiko as he trailed behind the duo. It's been less than two hours and already he despised Yemon with a burning passion. The two in front of TakeHiko were laughing about something, and a fire began to boil in TakeHiko's stomach. Natsumi was having fun, with someone else.
"I must say, your pet is, ah, very shellfish." Chided Yemon playfully, Natsumi laughing and lightly knocking their shoulders together. Yemon had been making fish puns for the past few hours.
"He can be a bit selfish, Yemon. You get used to it after you've been around him as long as I have." She hummed, lightly gripping Yemon's arm. Yemon glanced down at Natsumi, then smiled and hoisted her up into his arms bridal style, carrying her along as he floated. This elicited an irritable growl from TakeHiko, who was anything except amused by Yemon's antics.

Soon enough, they arrived at a new village that was teeming with life. However, the instant people got a look of Yemon, they hurriedly absconded, leaving Natsumi rather confused.
"Why'd they start hiding?.."

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