Chapter 26 TakeHiko listens to music on a iPod

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Natsumi let out a loud sigh, Why? Why did I have to pair up with him? She thought then mumbled under her breath. "Of all the people to take a journey had to be him..." Then TakeHiko appeared beside and Nastsumi let out a shriek. "Geez calm's only me.." TakeHiko rolled his eyes. "Were you talking about me?" He asked Natsumi. "How did you know?" Natsumi asked with surprise. "My ears were burning, nah just kidding. You just admitted you did.." He said with a smirk. Natsumi's face grew annoyed "shut up mutt.." She mumbled as he walked away. "I heard that!" TakeHiko said in a singsong voice. Natsumi groaned and reached into her bag. Some of her stuff was sucked into the portal with her. Her phone, iPod, a couple books, a blanket, and a flashlight were in that bag. There were some other items too, "thank goodness lady Hana gave me this bag to carry my stuff in..." She sighed and took out her iPod and put earphones in to listen to music. Then TakeHiko came back with Hayato "hey Natsumi the area is clear. Natsumi? Are you listening?" He asked. Natsumi took out one earphone and gave it TakeHiko, "here wanna listen to some music?" She asked. "Music? Through this thing?" He asked confused and put the earphone in. He listened for about 30 seconds, he had a strange look on his face. Then he pulled it out of his ear and Natsumi's ear "hey! What are you doing?!" Then TakeHiko stepped on it, smashing it to little pieces. "That is dangerous.." He said quietly. "Dangerous?..." Natsumi asked in a cold voice, her eye was twitching and she stood up. She went up to TakeHiko and her face was inches from his causing him to blush. "TakeHiko.." Natsumi whispered in a seductive voice then slapped him on the face really hard. He fell to the ground and was twitching, "how dare you break my iPod! Asshole!" She yelled. TakeHiko didn't respond, she could care less. Natsumi picked up her broken iPod and put it into her bag, then she grabbed her bow and mounted Hayato who was laughing at TakeHiko. She turned around seeing TakeHiko still on the ground, "get up lazy bum, it was just a're not dead.." She told him and he got up immediately "dang it! I was so hoping you'd fall for it!" He said with a smile. "I've learned not to.." Natsumi responded coldly. "What's with you?" TakeHiko asked her, "what's with me?...what's with me? just broke my iPod! I'm one pissed off bitch! So stay out of my way!" Natsumi yelled. TakeHiko's eyes were wide and he jumped back "sheesh mom okay..." He mumbled and walked behind Natsumi who rode Hayato, only he stood a few feet away, 15 feet to be exact.

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