Chapter 30 Guardian of the gate

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Yemon, Natsumi, and TakeHiko looked around.
"Why did they just leave when they saw you?....Yemon?...." Natsumi asked and stared.
Yemon shrugged "try asking your dog." He suggested.
"I'm not a pet!!!" TakeHiko growled.
"Says the half breed that's bounded to a human" Yemon said with a smirk.
"Why you!" TakeHiko growled and charged at him.
"TakeHiko......yield boy!!!" Natsumi commanded.
There was a thump and a small yelp, TakeHiko was on his butt and Yemon was laughing at him.
Natsumi turned around and Yemon stopped and just smiled acting like the perfect angel.
TakeHiko got up and followed them but stayed a bit away giving Yemon a death glare.
It was now sunset, Natsumi left to get firewood leaving Yemon and TakeHiko together.
"I know who you are..." TakeHiko glared.
"Why, what ever could you mean?" Yemon asked and sparkles were around him.
"Guardian of the gate of hell...stay away from Natsumi.." TakeHiko was now smirking.
"Oh please half breed, who is gonna make me stay away from her?" Yemon asked with a glare.
Then Natsumi returned with firewood "hey guys I'm back!" She said with a smile. "Welcome back" they both said at the same time and were giving each other death glares.
Then Yemon smiled all angel like and walked over to her. "Let me take those ma'am.." He smiled again and took the firewood away from her. Yemon then put his arm around her.
TakeHiko growled loudly and just had his arms folded trying not to glance at them.

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