Chapter 17 Another dream? Or a vision?

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Natsumi was tired and she fell asleep, she rested her head on TakeHiko's chest which surprised him a lot. She started shaking as she dreamed again."why is this place so dark?" Natsumi asked and her voice echoed. Then she saw her little sister. "Little sister!" She called to her and her sister turned around. Natsumi stopped immediately, although she loved her sister...this couldn't be her...this thing had demon eyes... The figure laughed "what's the matter dear Natsumi? See something? Prepare yourself, I'm coming to kill you.." Then the figure vanished and Natsumi woke up with a scream. She looked and saw TakeHiko with an annoyed look on his face. "You had to scream...right in my ear...didn't you?.." He said and slapped Natsumi's back head. "Ow! Yield boy!" She commanded and he fell on his face since he already was sitting down. "My sister said she is coming to kill me...I'll have to fight her...she is close by I can feel it..." Natsumi said and grabbed her bow. "I'll help you Natsumi" TakeHiko said in a cold voice. "You will not interfere...this is my fight...not yours..." She glared at him. TakeHiko smiled, "as you wish princess.." Then he slapped Natsumi's butt "good luck!" And Natsumi growled at him. "Yield boy!" She yelled and she heard a thud as she walked away.

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