Chapter 1 Through the Corridors

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Lloyd's P.o.V 

My alarmclock rang, I woke up and looked and the date. I yawned. "It's the first day at my new school. This is the third time this School year. The winter holiday's were over since 2 Weeks. At my old school's i was always bullied. Never did anything to prevend it. I don't have much hope for the new school, my biggest wish is that nobody will pay attention to me, so no one will bully me. Anyway, I got up, got under the shower, dressed up, ate breakfast, packed my things and was now on the way to the busstop. I waited fo the bus until it came, nobody paid attention to me. I was happy that it worked. 

I went out of the bus at my new school. Now i had to find the principal's office. I am a shy guy. I don't really ask people for direction's, instead I look for the way  myself and it works most of the time, maybe it takes longer, but you don't need to start a weird conversation. I walked into the school building. I have a eye for some thing's. I could see who was popular and who not. I wonderd, why are their no signs to give you directsion's. I went past a group of Boy's. They seemed really popular, so i wen't by them really quick. "Hey you", said someone. I don't know if they mean me, hopefully not. "Hey you in the green hoodie". "Fuck", I said quitly to me. Should I turn around or not. I did turn around. "What is it", i answered pretty quit. "Your new here, arent you". "Yes, why!". "The pricipale's office is their". "Wheir?", I questioned. "Here!", he said and hit my in the stomach. "Ouh!", I said nervously. I could see, know one wanted to mess with the group. I laid on the ground. Then he kicked me in my rips. Suddenly, someone spoke up "Hey, leave your dirty fingers from him, Brad". I could see, a boy, probably my age just three meters from, the so called Brad, away. "What do you wan't", said Brad enojed. "Just go away, Brad. "Ok, Idiot". The "Idiot" he said really quitly. I saw that noone even wnatzed to mess with him. I got up, now i could see him probably. He had Brown spikey hair, a white T-shirt with a red hoodie over it and a dark blue jeens. "Are you okay". "Yes, everything all right". "I'm Kai and you are?". "Lloyd, thank you Kai". "No problem, if Brad and his gang ever attack you again, just call me, I put hem in their place". "Thank you". I dind't wanted to ask him, but i did, I was proud talking to someone so long that I just met, is a new for me. I asked him: "Can you tell me were the pricipal's office is. "Of course, I can bring you to it". 

Hello, Sunil205 here. This is the first Chapter. Llyod's Charachter in my stories is based around me, just that i havend been bullied yet and i hope that i never whil. Alright, till next time. 

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