Chapter 13 The Sun Goes Down

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Jay's P.o.V 

"Bye Mom", I said as I left for school. The Bus came early and I was the first at school again. "Hello Jay", a voice said. I turned around to see Zane coming towards me. "Hi Zane. Have you talked to Pixal latley?", I asked. "Uh...No, Jay I haven't. I already told you. I'll do it when I feel ready for it. "Ah...Ok...Thats another way of saying that you are scared", I replied jokingly. "Jay!", Zane said in a strict voice. "Just a joke, just a joke, Zane."

"Hello there", Kai said coming towards us, with Nya and Syklor behind him. "Ah. General Smith!", I answered hoping he would understand the refrence. "What?", Kai asked. "Dosen't matter", I replied back. As I saw Nya coming towards me, my smile, went bigger and I gave her kiss on the cheek. "Morning Love!", I say. "Morning Jaya", Nya replied back. I don't like when she calls me Jaya, but if it makes her happy, then I am happy. 

We then saw Lloyd coming. "Hey Guys", I said as he came to us. "Morning Lloyd", we all said. "Where is Cole. Shouldn't he be here by now", Kai asked. "He is propably coming in a few minutes. Maybe his bus was delayed. We waited for another ten minutes, but no one came. 

Then the bell rang and we all had to go into class. "Thats weird. Cole is never late", Skylor said. "Yeah. I just wonder, what happend", I replied and they sat into there English class. I purposfully set in the back, so I could text him. 

Hey Cole! Why aren't you coming to school today?


I waited the whole lesson for an answer, but I never got one. "And?", Nya asked. "Nothing! He didn't replie. "Maybe somethings up with him. He didn't seem to be completly focused, the last few days." "Yeah. I already thought about that." "Did he tell you, what his problem was", Nya  questioned. "No, but I didn't really want to ask him", I replied to my girlfriend. "Huh...I think I am going to visit him after school. Wanna come?" "Yes of course. I really want to know, what is going on with him." 

I waited for the rest of school day, for an answer, but there never came one. "I have the feeling that there is something deeper going on", I said to my friends, who were waiting with me at the bus statition. "Yeah. Cole never was sick before. That would be a first I think", Kai replied. "Ok then. See you tomorrow", I said to the others as Nya and I took the bus to Cole's home. 

I wasn't at Cole's house for a long time and seeing it now, awoke old memories. Nya and I went to the door and I ringed. It took a bit long, till the door opend and the face of Cole's Father was revealed. "Oh hello you two", Cole's Dad greeted us, wiping away some tears. "Hi Lou. Erm...Is Cole there?", I asked. "Wasn't he in school today?" "No. Thats why we came and wanted to ask if he was here?" "No he isn't", Lou replied: "It's all my fault." "Is everything ok, Mr. Brookstone?", Nya questioned. 

Lou took a deep breath and talked to them: "Lilly passed away, last day." "What?!", I couldn't believe my ears. "His mother '?", Nya asked and Lou nodded. "I should have know that Cole would't talk to anyone. He just can't let go." He fell back on the couch and another tear rolled down his face. "Thank you Lou and my apologies" Mine too", Nya answerd and we both left Cole's House. 

"This is why, he didn't came to school", Nya talked to me. "Yeah. Cole can't let others go. It's just to difficult for him", I answered taking a deep breath: "I am going to look for him. I know he needs me right now." "I am coming with you." The Two Teeneagers went off and began looking everywhere in Ninjago City. 

Lloyd's P.o.V 

Lloyd get that stupid idea out of your head. My thoughts ran wild, but I didn't want to accept them. I want to try to forget Harumi, but I just can't. Never in my life, was I so in love with someone, well she isn't that bad. No. Lloyd! Forget that. Forget it now! The only problem is that, I can't. Her apperance has melted into my brain and I just can't forget her. 

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