Chapter 15 Heart To Heart

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Sooooo! I was like 2 months away, that was because I had to write some exams, but now that I am all finished I can start working on the chapters agains, so have fun with Chapter 15 Heart to Heart

Nya's P.o.V 

I was lieng in bed, but this time happy. The day at the park was great. I even forgot about Harumi. I had a great time with Skylor and I would really call her my best friend now. As we returned Kai and Jay waited at our house, but Skylor spoke with them and told them that everything was fine. They seamed to understand, but still had some worried looks. 

Now I was lieing in bed. Happy, but still thinking about Harumi. No, she isn't important. It is just important that I am happy and do the school year, that will end in two months. It was curiently April and all the main exams were comign up and I wanted to learn. Today was a english lesson, that I wanted to ask some questions, but I instead went with Skylor to the park. 

I brushed it off. It dosent matter and english is easy, so I can do it. "Vrrrummm", my phone went and ripped me out of my thoughts. I looked on my phone, but would have stopped myself, if I knew who messaged me. "Hello Little Nya", it read and of course it was from Harumi. No. No. This time she won't get me. She just won't . I put my phone away and put my head on my pillow. No. This time she won't! 

"Good Morning Sleeping Beauty", a voice called and I woke up. "Ahhhhh", I screamed until I realiesed where I was. "Everything ok?", Skylor laughed. "Yes, but please don't ever wake me up again like this", I laughed, but still crossed my arms. "Come on. We don't want to be late", Skylor said and dragged me downstairs. 

Skylor's P.o.V 

Today I am going to talk to her, for Nya. She will pay, but I remembered Nya's wish. I won't harm her, hopefully. We made our way to school and I saw her across the school yard. "Sorry", I said: "I will be right back." The others looked at me, with confused expressions, but still I made my way to her. 

There she was, standing at the entrance, to the school building. I pulled by fist together, just for the absolute worst situation. I walked up to her. "Hello", I said. "What do you want?", she ask sassily. "Just wanting to talk with you." "Can't it wait", she replied annoyed. "No, it can't ", I said angrily: "Why do you do this to Nya?" "Do what?" "You know exactly what I mean." "Oh that, just for the fun." "Just for the fun?!", I said angrily, with my head nearly exploding: "It isin't fun for her. She feels horrible, because of you!" 

"Well, thast not my problem, if she can't understand a joke." "It isin't a joke and if you find it funny, than you are a sad person, who just wants attention." This really got Harumis atenttion and she looked right into my eyes. "What do you know!", she answered. "I know many things. One of them is, that you aren't getting popular for having a skill or being a nice person, you are getting popular because, YOU ARE A BITCH, WHO WANTS ATTENTION AND CAN'T CONTROL HER LIFE." 

Harumi glared at me, not just only because many students were looking in our direction, but because I hurt a feeling inside her. "If you think that...", she began: "Than what are you? Putting youre dad in prison, now living together with your boyfriend and betraying him, with his sister."

I couldn't belive my ears: "Do you honestly think, I have a relationship with Nya?!" "Well, it is obvious, you can't denie that." "It isin't, because there is nothing going on between us." "If you say so", she replied in a annoying voice. 

"Is there a problem", a voice called and I turned around, to stand face to face, with Killow, E, Violet and Luke. "No, Killlow", Harumi said: "Everything alright. She just wanted to leave. Didn't you?" I had enough and walked away angrily. You can't put sense into her. I returned to the others and Nya whispered to me: "How was it?" "I tell you later", I said angrily. 

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