Chapter 19 • If Wall Could Talk

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•If These Walls Could Talk, I'd Hope They Wouldn't Say Anything. Because We'd Fall From Grace, I'm Falling•

There are no words to describe this. No words that would change anything. Castiel and Dean saw her almost kill. Jasmine was hurt and Ashley is traumatized. Snow was ready to kill. Kill Lucifer, and Michael right after. And she hated it. She hated this feeling. And thing that she hated the most was that she enjoyed almost killing Lucifer. Killed wasn't something Snow liked. She hates conflict. But her head was spinning with ways to torture and kill Lucifer and Michael. No amount of cuddles with Dean and Castiel could fix it. No amounts of reassurance from Dean and Castiel could change her mind about feeling like it was her fault that they were stuck with those monsters. And no amount of Deans acholic drinks could chase away the thoughts of torture and murder in her head. It's bad. Really bad. But she smiles and laughs like everything is fine. Dean and Castiel see it though. They are worried. She crys in her sleep. Wakes up screaming from nightmares. Drinks too much for someone her size. Dean and Castiel understand this well. They haven't had great lives. They know the path of self destruction all to well. And they know what's waiting to explode in the end. Nothing they say or do is making any difference. Snow just pretends to be fine. And nobody has any idea what will happen when everything comes boiling out. But Dean and Castiel will be there when she falls. When she breaks and crumbles under it all. They will pick up the broken peices, and put her back together. Snow is their light. There little slice of happiness pie as Dean puts it. She gives them something more to fight for every single day. Dean loves a big smile on her face and happiness in her when he comes back from a hunt. Castiel loves the love in her heart and joy in her voice when she talks so fondly about Earth and all it's tiny little special wonderful miracles and beauties. They both love the meaningful I love you's and affection. They love snow. And it breaks them to see her hurting like this. Their little light dimming and burning out. But they will help her shine again. Give her the world. Because she is theirs. And nobody is allowed to ever hurt her. They will always love their Neko.

---Author Note-----
I needed some fluff in my life. So I wrote somewhat fluff lol can't have too much fluff quite yet though, there always has to be some sadness to further the plot.

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