Chapter 11 • Progress

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When Snow woke up it was late afternoon. Castiel had come back. Although him leave was just to help Snow feel more comfortable, Castiel still got her some clothes. He even got more oranges and coffee.

Snow woke up cuddled up in Deans lap. Sam and Dean didn't want Snow to wake up alone so Dean decided he would stay with her. "Hey Snow" Snow couldn't help but sink into Deans touch as his fingers ran through her hair and pet her ears. "You feeling a bit better?" Snow hums. Pets are the best to Snow. Dean chuckles. "Cas is back and has some things for you,how about we go see Cas and Sam" Snow takes a breath. She's ready. She wants to take this step. She wants to talk. "Ok" It may had been quite but Dean heard it and it made him smile.

Dean and Snow had just walked into the kitchen. Dean got Snow and orange and peeled it for her. "You look happier Snow" Sam smiles as he watches Snow happily eat an orange.
"I feel better" she says quietly. Castiel was bit surprised. He didn't think Snow would actually talk yet. This meant they were getting closer to Snow,but they are now also closer to being able to have her help with bigger things.

"Cas got more oranges and coffee. He also got you some new clothes." As Snow finished the last of her orange he smiled. "Thank you" her voice may be quite but Sam thinks it's adorable.

----3 days later

Snow has been doing well with talking. She hasn't gotten to the point to where she will ask for cuddles or say she wants pets or attention. She still just waits for Sam or Dean to ask her. But she does respond to questions and has conversation. Dean thinks she's cute when she asks him little questions about a movie or show he watches. And Snow has gotten better about being around Castiel.

However even though things have been going well,there was one thing looming over Dean,Sam and Castiel. How do they address Gabriel? They don't want to hurt Snow. But what if he just shows up one day? Dean doesn't even want to talk to her about it. Dean loves that Snow is so happy.  But Sam and Castiel knows it needs to happen. But they don't want to ruin her happiness. Although it's inevitable. But for now,Snow deserves to be happy.

Next Chapter will have fluff,and a new conflict!

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