Bonus Part - Yoongi Vers

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-2 years later-

"Yoongi! Where are we going?" You mumbled as Yoongi close your eyes with his palm and lead you somewhere.

"Just calm down, and you trust me right?" He whisper and you can't help but just nodding. You can feel he is grinning. You feel nervous inside, don't know what he was prepared.

After awhile, you both finally arrived and he let go his palm, and you slowly open your eyes and look around. You were inside a room, an empty room to be specific. You were now sitting on the only chair in the middle of this room.

"Yoongi, what is this place and why you bring me here?" You look at him who kneel down to talk to you.

"Let me ask you, do you trust me?" He asked while hold and squeezing your hand, you nod.

"If you trust me, just do what I told you, and you will be okay." He said seriously now, and caressing your cheeks.

"What should I do?" You asked innocently.

"You just need to stay, in here, until I come back." He said and you furrow your eyebrows.

"You're going to left me? Alone here?? NO!" You hissed and hold his hand hard, don't let him left you. You remember of what happened 2 years ago when Yukwon left you in the park alone.

"I'm gonna come back definitely. You trust me right? We need to do this, for the better future." He smile at you, the warmest smile that could makes you forget that he is a werewolf.

"Promise me? You will come back?" You whined and he nod. "Just stay here right?" You asked him one more time.

"Whatever happen, whoever come, you just need to stay and never leave this room, then I will come back." He assured you and you give him a nod with silly grin.

You trust him, you want to do what he told you. After assured you, he stand up and walk to the exit door, before left the room, he turn to you and give you a fighting pose then he close the door.

Now you start to wondering, you need to fight for what? Before you found the answer suddenly the door knob turn, and you sure someone is getting in, and he's definitely not Yoongi. Because in a blink of your eyes, he already in front of your face. "Hello, Lein." It's Hoseok.

"ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!" You let out a shocking scream after you got shocked by him.

"S.... sorry. I didn't mean to shock you, but it's our job now. Please hold on okay, don't runaway." He said after finally you stopped screaming.
You still look at him and try to figured out what he means. "Your job? Y... you means..." you muttered in horror.

He grin while rubbing his back hair. "Please hold on Lein-ssi." He mumbled and then he walk away to the farthest gap he could, then in seconds you saw him turn into wolf.

You widened your eyes and shock in horror. He starts to run around you and jump to you suddenly. "Y... yah!!" You let out annoying screams and he move back a little and walk to your back, then without any warning he jump from above you and land right in front of you. "You're giving me heart attack!!! Why you do that??" You yelled at him.

"At least you didn't move and runaway. Congratulation, you passed round 1. Good luck for round 2." He snap and give you a tap on your shoulder before sneak out the room.

"Round 1 ?? Am I playing a game or what?" You muttered and suddenly another person comes in from the door and yelling, "Anyone mention about games??" Taehyung yelled and running to you but suddenly turn into wolf after he near you.

You widened your eyes and frozen in your spot as you can see his wolf figure close up. He's the one that you want to avoid the most, because he keep changing every time, just like now, he turn back as human once he found you froze.

"Are you okay Lein?" He show up his famous grin.

"Y... you're r...round 2 ?" You asked while stuttering and he nod cutely. "Then who is round 3?" You continue and he shake his head, "Ah Ah! I can't tell." He grin again.

"Sigh, so did I passed round 2?" You asked as you kinda understand the situation, Yoongi is testing you.

"Not yet, Lein." He smirks and you can predict what is going to happen next. He keep annoying you, he turns so often that you might go crazy. He keep doing that around 10 minutes, you almost have the urge to leave, but Yoongi's sentence replay in your mind, so you stay still.

"Whoaa, congratulation Lein, you just passed round 2, I'm so happy that you could stay still with me also. You know what I mean right...." He laughed and smirks. You laughed at him and it's the first time you can laugh because of him.

"Woo woo!!! I hope we can get along well in future. See you soon!" He said and waving at you. You chuckles at his cuteness. Well, you never expect him to be this funny. You only try to stay away from him because you were afraid of him, but now maybe it's time to changed.

The door is opening again, signalling your round 3 is coming. You curiously look up and you widened your eyes and your jaw drop. There is a big wolf with white fur walking towards you, it's Yoongi.

His size was so huge, way bigger than your body. You know he is the biggest, you know he is Yoongi, but somehow you still nervous. He keeps getting closer and you try your best to not screams and runaway.

Now after he arrived in front of you, he put his head on your thigh and purr. You just realize how cute a wolf can be, they're just like puppies in bigger size. Your hand suddenly move slowly, about to touch his fur.

He also keep silence watching your moves, until your hand reach his head and you slowly pat his head. His fur was so soft and clean. It's purely white that almost shining. As you stroking his head, he keep purr and you sure he liked it.

After awhile, you stop and he look up at you. "Now, explain to me." You said and he turn back in human. He kneel down in front of you and holding your hand.

"Congratulation honey, you passed round 3 and you got free ticket to marry this awesome Min Yoongi. You have responsibility to take care of me for the rest of your life, no matter what happens you are forbid to leave me with any reasons. Are we clear?" He explain and your jaw drop.

"WHAT? I EVEN HAVEN'T GRADUATED FROM HIGH SCHOOL?!?!" You yelled in shocks. He just chuckles at your cuteness. "I'm sorry, well maybe that ticket can be claim once you graduate. It won't be expired, don't worry." He laugh.

"Then what is the relation between getting test with your werewolves friends and free ticket to marry you??" You asked.

"Of course there is, silly. Once we have kids, they will be werewolf too! Kids usually can't control their self still, so if you still afraid of us, what if when you carrying our baby, then he suddenly turn into wolf? You might throw him away??" He explain with lots of expression that you think so funny. "That's why I need to makes you not afraid of us again. Andd........ the good news is you passed! Yay!!" He added and punch the air like a kid.

You stand up and pull him to stand up also before hugging him. "Thanks for makes everything well prepared. But I haven't agree to marry you yet, why are you confident?" You scoff and he parting abit, but still keeping the gap close, "Oh, come on honey. I know you love me too, so I don't need your answer." He said and kissed you.

"Hyung! Stop being so cheesy! Namjoon hyung can hear everything and told us everything!" Jungkook yelled and both of you parting in shocks. "Ugh, those kids." He mumble in annoyed, and you laugh.


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