Chapter 5

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"I... I...." Yoongi keep blabbering, don't know how to answer your question until his phone ringing. He excuse himself to pick up his phone. You can't hold yourself from laughter seeing Yoongi being like that. After some minutes he is back.

"I'm sorry I need to go home right now. I'll come here again tomorrow, we are going to school together! See you!" He take his bag and walk out.

"Wait you..." when you about to ask him again he turn and cut you off.

"And don't you dare to ask me why am I keep protecting you. I have my reason, and its still so early for you to know. Bye." He turn and walk out. Leaving you hanging by thousands of questions in your mind. You almost think that he was fall for you, but his last warn make you think twice that something actually happen so he keep protecting you.


Its already 12am midnight. Rin is already sleep so tight in her room. And you don't know why you still can't sleep thinking of what actually happen. No. Actually you feel dumbfounded by him. To be honest, everything he does towards you makes you start to like him. You don't care if he was a werewolf. You never believe in werewolf but him.

It start to raining outside. Making you feel so mellow with all of your thought of him inside your mind. You wake from your bed and walk out from your room. You sat on the sofa, still thinking of everything that maybe happen. Maybe you and Rin is actually a werewolf too? Or maybe someone he know want to kill you? But why? Or maybe he actually want to kill you but he pretend to be nice? Every thought of him running in your mind.

Now whats in your mind is all of Yoongi's sweet smile. How Yoongi save you twice. Suddenly tears start to fall down on your cheeks. You wipe your tears and glare at the clock. Its 3AM in the morning already and you still couldn't calm your mind. You start to felt so cold because it was raining outside and you start sneezing.

-Next Morning-

Its 6 AM and when Rin wake up, you are not in your room. She check her phone and found a message. "Unnie, I am going early to my friend's house because I want to borrow her homework. Tell Yoongi I am going by myself."

Getting confused but she kindly reply you. "Okay. Back home on time k?" After you got a message from her you replied okay. Here you are, on the school's park sitting alone. No one come to school this early.

7AM already, Yoongi coming to your home and only meet Rin. He was so shock when Rin tell him you already going.

"May I ask you, what happen between you and her?" Rin ask Yoongi slowly.

"What? Nothing? Nothing happen? Why? Did she say something?"

"No. But... I know she is lying. I found her not sleeping all night actually. Seems like something bother her mind?"

"I'll go find her right now! Thanks noona." He said and walk away.

He was arrived at school after 5 minutes. Yeah he is a werewolf. 5 minutes later he walk around, he arrive in your class and find you sleeping there on your table. He walk in and left a breakfast for you in your table with a sticky notes on it.

When you wake, you saw his breakfast and read his note. His handwriting is so cute for you. You grin a little before eat it all. School ended as usual. With all the last power you have you walk out from your class and Yoongi's there waiting for you already.

"You okay?" He ask after he look at your face.

"Emm.. I am okay." You said and walk first. He grip your waist and his hand slowly travel down and he put his finger in between yours. You look at him in surprise. But he keep look at the way. Some people looking at you both, thinking that you might now Yoongi's girlfriend and your mind is so mess again like last night.

After walk out from school, still hand in hand, he start to ask you. "Why are you going so early to school? Are you avoiding me?"

"Eh? N.. No.. I am not avoiding you. I.. I did my homework." You lie. And he know.

"Really? Next time please call me if you want to go earlier. I'll come." He said again.

"Why should I? You're not even my boyfriend??" You said and start to release your hand from his.

"I told you I want to be your friend? And this is my style okay? Emm.. You free tonight?"

"Tonight? Yes. Maybe? Why?"

"Let's go to watch movie? I pay! I'll pick you up on 6?" He said and grin to you.

"Sure." You answer without thinking. Finally you both arrived at your home.

"Rest well and don't go outside. You need some sleep. I'll pick you up on 6." He smile and walk away. After cleaning yourself. You throw yourself on your bed and regretting why you don't sleep whole night. The next second you fall asleep and wake up on 5.55 PM when Rin arrived at home.

"Oh my ! What time is this??" You jump out from your bed.

"Its 6. Why? You sleep since you back from school?" She ask you back.

"Omo! Yes.. And Yoongi will come in 5 minutes!" You run to the bathroom inside your room.

"But he here already?"

"What?????" You prepare your self and ready after 15 minutes. You see him sitting on the couch. He wear a black leather jacket and his eyes smiling seeing you.

"I.. I am sorry I'm late. "

"It's okay. Feeling better now?"

"Yes. Let's go! Unnie we're going!" you both walk out and going to a movie. You feel like you are on a date with him. You both walking hand-in-hand, eating 1 box of pop corn together, and he protect you if you meet a wolf on the street. You both talk about so many things. His family, your family, his friend, about werewolf life, etc. You feel so safe. The feeling you never felt before. And his hand is so warm.

Finally its getting late. Both you and Yoongi ride a bus to going back to your home. On the way home, you can see Yoongi start being sleepy. As he also famous for his sleeping habit on school but you never seen it before, you take a look at him sometime when he about to hit the window. You smile a little and slowly you put his head on your shoulder.

Though you are shorter than him, but his head still be able reach your shoulder. While he is sleeping, your eyes traveling his face. His eyes, his nose, cheeks, his hair, and .... His tiny lips that looks so soft and kissable. When he move a little, you wake yourself from day-dreaming and looked away.

Finally the bus arrived, you wake him slowly. "Yoongi ah.. We arrived." You touch his hand slowly. Finally he open his eyes, its so small and so cute. You both walk down and walk to your home.

"Thank you for today " he gives you his best smile when you two almost reach your home.

"Welcome" you smiled at him.

"I'll come again tomorrow." He said and suddenly your fence open from inside and you saw a guy walk out. Is it Rin's boyfriend? When he turn himself, into wolf and turn to face you and Yoongi you shout out and hide behind Yoongi. It suddenly turn again into human.

"I.. I am sorry. I don't know you are here Lein."

"T... Taehyung???? What are you doing in my home while I am not there???" You said in horror.

-To Be Continue-

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