Chapter 16 - The last

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---Next Morning---

You open your eyes slowly and you feel the pain in your neck, your hands and your head. You looks around and Bangtan member is there in your room. They'll all wear a bandage because of the scratch of war last night and they looks so tired and blank. But you didn't see Yoongi.

"You wake?? How's you feel?" Rin quickly come to your bed leaving Taehyung when she see you awake.

"I... I'm dizzy.... Am I dead?" You ask.

"Dead?? If you dead why am I still talking to you??" Rin said while push your head lightly.

"You are fine. We came and saved you. " Namjoon said straighly.

"Oh. Wait... But..." You remember that you heard Yoongi's voice last time. "Where's him??"

"Yoongi?" Rin asked you.

"Yes!!! Where is Yoongi???" You said in panic when you realize he is not here and their face seems weird.

"Calm down..." Jungkook come to you and hold your shoulder. You try to get out from your bed.

"Tell me where is Yoongi!!" You said in panic.

"We'll tell you after you calm okay??" Jimin try to calm you. You looking at them one by one and sit back to your bed.

"D... Don.. Don't tell me... He is..." Your tears burst out and you get up from your bed.

You running towards your door but... Yoongi is there... He is standing right in front of you after you open the door. His face full of blood from his head and his body seems so weak. "M... Min Yoongi?" You said and he throw himself towards your body. You quickly catches him and you are in surprise again. He is not moving. "Yoongi ah!!" You call him again in panic and that time Jimin come and help you bring him to your bed. You follow him and you hold his hand.

"M... Min Yoongi!! Open your eyes! You okay??!" You shake his hand.

"Stop and watch!" Jin stop you and releasing your hand from Yoongi's and drag you away. You keep rebelling but then Jimin help Jin to hold you.

"Sshh! Watch him. He is in healing time... When he was healing, he will fainted, he is actually healing when you still unconscious. But because you keep yelling so maybe he wake and coming here. We also done our healing, but we can't do the perfect healing as him. Now watch him." Namjoon explain and you finally stop.

You watch Yoongi with your teary eyes. Wow! You never see this before. He was like a little bit shining. His scratch on his face slowly dissapear. The blood on his head also slowly back to his body. You surprised and amazed at the same time.

After 10 minutes, all of his scratches and wounds dissapear. His face looks so clear as usual you saw him. "I envy him... We only can healing this far... Still some scratches left on my handsome face right?" Taehyung ask Rin and gain a groan from other members.

He open his eyes slowly and get up. Sitting on your bed, looking at you softly and smiling. "M... Min Yoongi...." You run towards him and hug him, tightly and don't let him go. He slowly hug you back. No words come out from your mouth, only your tears burst out.

"You okay?" He ask softly while rubbing your back hair. You slowly pull back and look at him.

"I won't be okay if you're not there... I'm more than okay right now... Thank you so much..." Your voice crack.

"I'll always here for you... Nothing can hurt you if I am with you...." He show his gummy smile.

"I know... I was wrong... I should believe you since the first time... " You sobbing.

"You must accept Yoongi hyung's love now... You know how big his love for you as he give all himself to save you. Even using us..." Taehyung said and he got a pinch from Rin.

"Now... How? Do.. You... believe me?" Yoongi look at you shyly.

"Yes. Yes. No more doubting." You answer full of happiness and hug him again.

"Then you should accept me too as your brother-in-law!" Taehyung snapped and grinning at you. You look at him, still not sure if you can accept it or not.

"You know, if he's not there, I might be not here anymore." Yoongi suddenly said, and you turn at him disbelief .

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