Chapter 2

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Yoongi turn back to see who grab his grip. And yeah. It's not a human. "Hwa In? What are you doing here?"

"Playing with a human huh? Is that funny?? You seems so happy?" Hwa In asking Yoongi.

Hwa In, she is the popular female werewolf in the school. She is pretty and so many boys are in love with her. But since the first grade she is in love with Yoongi.

"Hahaha. I just want to scared her. She looks so cute. Since when you've been watching me?"

"Since the first time you start to follow her. Hmm.. Seems like someone is falling in love?" She take a step so she get closer to Yoongi.

"Me? Fall in love? No I just...."

"Let me see... So no?? You don't love her? So it's okay if I also play a little bit with that coward??" She cut Yoongi's words and show his sharp claws. "No! I warn you. Don't you touch every single part of her. Or I can kill you." Yoongi warn her back.

"See? You love her right? You know that I love you since our first grade. But you show me you like another girl in front of me! AND SHE IS A NORMAL HUMAN!!! You know who I am right, Yoongi? Then, protect her as you can." Hwa In make a smirk on her face, and walk away. Leaving Yoongi that clenching his fist tightly.

Finally school is done and its time to back home. You pack your things inside your bag when Yoongi come and sit on your desk. "What?" You ask in a worried face. "Nope. Don't worry I won't hurt you. I want to apologize." He place a sweet smile on his face that make you wonder that he is actually a wolf or a cutie little puppy.

You look away from his eyes and start to packing your things again. "It's okay. Please don't do that again next time. That's not even funny." You say without look at him.

"Yeah. I promise. I won't do that again. But please remember this..." his words make you turn to look at him. "Don't run if you see or feel a werewolf near you. We're not chasing. But if you run, it makes us want to run also to chase you. You know, some kind of animal instinct. So please remember my warn. Don't run no matter how scared are you. Okay?" he give a smile again and you can feel your heart is pumping inside.

"Y.. Yeah... I got it. Thanks for the warn. I'll try. I'm going first. And please don't turn into a werewolf again. At least in front of me. You are handsome as a human." You said, and walk out from the class leaving him with a blush cheeks by your last words.

Since there's nobody home, so you decide to grab a lunch outside along with your friends and after that you and your friends going to the park to play around.

Its already 5PM and you know Rin is almost home. So you decide to going back home before the sky turn darker. And there's so much wolf on the night. You walk slowly in the alleyway near your home when you hear a voice behind you.

"Wolf again??" You talk inside your mind. You keep walking and you feels it start running. So you turn back in a second. Its smaller than Yoongi's size? It brown? And it running faster towards you.

You feel your inside want to run but... You remember Yoongi's warn. "Don't run if you see or feel a werewolf near you." And yeah... You decide to keep stand still on your place.

You can see it getting close to you and it feels so weird. "Does Yoongi said it chase if you run??? I'm not running but it run towards me?" You talking inside your mind and make sure no one around you is running since you are alone.

The next second, all you know is the wolf is ready to pounce on you and you can clearly see it claws when you start screaming. "AHHHHHHHHHH!"

-To be Continue-

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