Chapter 14

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Back from the tiring camp, you arrive at home around 11PM because something happen on the way. Luckily it's not a big problem. You straightly going to sleep and don't care about anything.

The next morning you wake up with your body ache, but you still need to going to school that day. Rin greet you happily that morning and you get meat for breakfast.

"What's wrong with you? The last time I see you still so gloomy. Are you in relationship with Yoongi?" You ask without look at her.

"Eh?? You'll know later..." She grin. You remember that night when Yoongi receive a call from her. "You didn't even call me yesterday but Yoongi." You sigh.

"Why... Did... You know?"

"Why I didn't know? I'm done... I'm going... " You leave her.

"Gotcha!! She is jealous.. 😄😄" She grin happily.

Unlike usual, when you arrived at school you see Bangtan on the corridor. You see Yoongi, and Taehyung?? They look so fine and they laughing together along with other members. What happen with them? They were fighting yesterday? You feel so mad because you don't know what actually happen between Rin, Taehyung and Yoongi. You supposed to know if its about Yoongi, but since you fought with him, everything change. You walk pass, and quickly heading to your class, pretending you don't see them.

"Taehyung ah... Really glad that you finally understand... You see? She doesn't even want to see me..." Yoongi said once you get in the class.

"Don't worry. I'm sorry too last time I was so emotionally burned. I'll help you." He comfort Yoongi.

"Anyway hyung, as I see Yukwon was not afraid of werewolves. He have many werewolves friends." Jimin suddenly said.

"Nah.. As I thought too... Seems like he lying to Lein... He is not as weak as we think...." Yoongi thought.

"Hyung! Hyung... I'm sorry to say this but... He just ask Lein to date again tonight..." Namjoon suddenly said after he heard Yukwon just ask you. Namjoon can hear it because he can hear a voice from 500m away if he want.

"W... What? R.. Really?" Yoongi become blank.

"Wow...He...He said he have something important to say... And.. She say yes..." Namjoon continue.

"Seems like I have no more chance..." He looks down.

"What are you talking about? Rin didn't even like Yukwon you know... And I don't want him to become my sister-in-law's boyfriend." Taehyung said confidently.

"Yah... You just start your relationship yesterday kid..." Jin punching Taehyung's head slowly.

"I'm going there tonight hyung... I'll told you if I get something..." Taehyung grin.

"I'm kinda curious of him. I also pay attention on him. He is.. Weird..." Smartest guy jungkook talk.

"Don't worry hyung... We'll help you... Your love affair is kinda complicated you know... Because she is a human who afraid of us... So yeah, you need more hard work." Hoseok cheering Yoongi with his bright smile.

"Thank you so much guys." Yoongi fake a smile.

That night as you have a plan with Yukwon, he ask you to go out on 7 and this time he will pick you up so you get ready. Surprising, Taehyung come home together with Rin around 6.

"Hello! 😁" Taehyung greet you as he get inside your home.

"W... Why are you bring him home??" You ask Rin quickly.

"Why? He is now... My boyfriend... He pick me up on my office..." She grin and look at Taehyung.

"Y... You start your relationship already???? I have no comment on this." You heading to your room. Someway, you feels happy knowing its Taehyung with Rin, not Yoongi. But you kinda worried about Taehyung that have a high emotion and can turn anytime.

"He is here." Taehyung tell Rin once he saw Yukwon arrived.

"I'll let him in. You can hide on.... Umm..."

"I'll hide behind the sofa." He grin and turn into wolf in a second, quickly hide behind the sofa.

Rin open the door and let him in. She look doesn't statisfied with Yukwon. Rin ask Yukwon to wait, and heading to Lein's room calling her.

Without Yukwon know, Taehyung is behind him. Hiding well. Yukwon suddenly take out his phone and make a call. The conversation is unbelievable. Luckily Taehyung is there, listening well till the end.

"Hwa In noona, I'll bring her to the park around 9PM. Yeah... You ready? I'll bring her for you and no one gonna safe her again. It's so hard to get her heart you know. Make sure nobody is on the park that time. After I leave her, you can do what you want. My tiring job is done. What? You ask around 20 wolves? That's too much I think but just prepare if someone come to help her. Okay. Bye." He hung up. Taehyung about to jump out when he hear you coming.

"Yukwon ah... I'm sorry to make you wait. Let's go!!" You drag his arm and heading out.

After you go, Taehyung come out and turn again. "He is Hwa In's helper oh my God I can't believe!!" Taehyung said in panic.

"Who is Hwa In??" Rin confussed after her first time hearing that name.

"She almost kill Lein that time when we bring her back. Remember? The wolf who always want to attacked Lein! She is crazily in love with Yoongi hyung! I swear Yoongi hyung will kill her now. I need to tell him!!" He quickly call Yoongi. "Hyung! You should follow them now! She is in danger!!"

"How's you know? They just heading out now.." Yoongi said lazily.

"Eh? How's you know? I just heard his conversation on phone before they go!!"

"I'm now in front of Lein's home. Watching them walking out hand in hand." He said with a flat expression.

"Follow them! Quickly separate them! Yukwon will bring her to Hwa In tonight!" Taehyung said quickly.

"W... What??? So.. Its all Hwa In again??" Yoongi surprised after what Taehyung just told him. .
"Yeah! I heard about 20 wolves was ready! I...I... don't know what she will do... Now separate them! Ppali!!" After Taehyung words, Yoongi pause a second, thinking.

"No. I'm SERIOUSLY going to rip her heart out of her body tonight!!! I'll let him bring her to Hwa In, at that time I will seriously kill Hwa In. Tell Bangtan to get ready and you too... I need your help!! Its around 20 right? I can't do it alone. We'll gonna kill tonight!!" Yoongi said in anger while hung up.


"Taehyung ah! Please safe her...." Rin said and grab Taehyung's arm after Taehyung hung up his phone.

"Don't worry. Bangtan is the strongest... We gonna kill them all tonight... You just wait here. I'm going to gather Bangtan members now."

"Wait. You too, be careful baby..." She hold his hand.

"I'm gonna be okay." He kiss her forehead, and turn into a wolf, running out, gathering all Bangtan members, get ready for war.

-to be continue-

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