Chapter 1

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"Go grab your breakfast quickly. You are running out of time" Your sister Rin shout at you as you took so long on changing.

Another school day as usual, you were lazy as a normal student. Lazy to meet the teacher, lazy to read the books, and lazy to meet those werewolf on your school that can turn anytime. You walk down from your room and grab your breakfast. "Can I skip my class today? I'm still so sleepy." You said as you take a sip of your milk.

"Psh... As always. Can you please just one day stop complaining about school? What are you going to do at home? Sleeping a whole day? Scrolling on your phone? Rolling over here and there? Better go now before you late Lein." She chuckled while she command you as a mom.

"I think everyone hate school unnie... And I'm sure you too right? Anyway can I get a meat for tomorrow's breakfast?" You talking while eat your sandwich.

"Yes. Meat for tomorrow if you stop complaining about school?"

"Omo! Okay!! No complain for meat!!!" You said and grinning. She laugh for your act that same as a 5 years old kid. Both of your parents live far away from you because you and your sisters go to the city, while they still live in a village. After done your breakfast, you excuse yourself and walk by yourself to the school.

Your school is near your home. So you just walk to school everyday. Meeting a werewolf as usual in a human looks is normal. But sometimes you see a wolves also walking in the street. They are the werewolf who afraid to be late, then turn into wolf so they can walk faster.

You arrived at school and walk in the school corridor when you see some of the wolves run passing you. You just frozen there. "Oh my God!!!! Why can't they come earlier to the school so they don't need to rush as a wolves??" You mumbling yourself as you were too shock.

You slowly start to walk again, when you feel a pair of eyes keep looking at you behind you. You stop your self from stepping, letting the thing behind you walking pass. But no. It doesn't move as you stop. You start to walk again slowly without looking back. And you can hear the wolf steps again behind you slowly.

You know there's a wolf following you but you have no courage to look back. Part of you want to runaway but you remember "Wolf didn't chase if you don't run, wolf chasing if you run."

You finally slowly turn back to see who the hell want to makes fun of your phobia. And after you turn back, you see a big wolf. It bigger than you. It looks at your eyes straightly as you start to gulp. It fur is purely white. You know who is this. The most popular and strongest wolf in the school. Min Yoongi.

You turn back and finally you start running. As fast as you can because you were too scared of him. As you run, it start to chase you from behind. You keep running until you reach the end of corridor. You hit your back to the wall as you turn back to face the wolf, it was so close and you do nothing but closing your eyes. Then you feel a breath on your cheeks. It was a human breath. You slowly open your eyes and you find Yoongi's face inch away from your face. "Scared huh?" He asking you while smile innocently.

"Min Yoongi !!! How dare you?? Ugh! Everyone know I'm afraid of werewolf. How could you do this to me?" You keep mumbling at him and your face turning red.

"Hey, I'm sorry Lein. I just want to play. I'm sorry if I make you scared." he chuckles while rubbing his back hair.

"It's not funny Yoongi! Stop laughing. I... I'm going to the class, don't you dare to follow me!" You warn him but you were afraid to look at his eyes, so you just pass him.

When he about to follow you, he feels a grip on his hand. He know Its definitely not a human power.

-To be Continue-

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