Weston Cavanhang

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"Aulora, " the knock on the door was followed by Persephone's voice, "I'm coming in."

I merely nodded my head without looking in her direction, not wanting to steer my gaze away from Rafeial, fearing he might fade from under my touch.

"How's he feeling?" Her question held concern as she stood beside me, looking over at Rafeial's vulnerable figure.

"I-" my mouth open and shut, failing to form a proper sentence as my hand squeezed his hand in mine, "I don't know."

My hand that was caressing his exposed upper chest through his unbuttoned dress shirt halted, "he's so weak because of me." I frowned as my eyes fell upon his relaxed features.

"He consciously made a choice, Aulora, you don't have to blame yourself for it," Persephone assured as she gripped my shoulder as a gesture of comfort, giving me a small smile.

Silence fell over for a moment before Persephone spoke, "we have to go." She made a move to pull me up with her but I objected.

"How can I leave him alone like this, Persephone?" From what Rafeial told me, everyone was going alongside me which means he will be alone here.

"Sometimes we have no other alternative, Aulora, " she smiled sadly as she tugged me off the bed, "and it's just a matter of few hours for us, and when we come back, Rafeial will be up and running." My hand fell out of his as Persephone led me outside the room. I couldn't help but glance at him one last time as I shut the door behind me.

I looked at Persephone walking in front of me, noticing her appearance. She wasn't dressed up like me, instead, she wore a black jacket over the burgundy undershirt which she contrasted with black jeans and a pair of dark boots. Her deep red hair was tied in a french braid with a few strands sticking out.

"I know it might be difficult for you to leave him alone in this condition but look at the bigger picture here, you will get him one step closer to Adanine."

"You're right, " I was coming around as I shook my head slightly. He healed me so that I could get him the lead and I should get that fixated in my head, "I should focus on the matter at hand."

I knew this was important to everyone here. Getting hold of this Weston could possibly lead to Adanine and none of us would want to let this opportunity slip away.

"You look beautiful, by the way," she complimented as her eyes raked me up and now, "and Rafe did know your exact size." She wriggled her eyebrows up and down. Her comment made me shy away a little as I muttered a small thank you in gratitude.

The cold air of dusk pricked at my skin through the light material of my dress as soon as Persephone opened the front door, "where are the men?" I noticed their absence; maybe I was early.

"They're waiting for us, " Persephone stepped outside, offering me her hand.

Wearing these damn heels, I was thankful for the stability Persephone offered as I held onto her hand and walked over the uneven dirt, my heels digging into the soil.

"Where exactly?" I asked as she led us into the forest.

"Where we left our cars, of course, " she laughed as my face fell into a dreadful scowl.

"You're really going to make me walk all the way there in heels?"

"Its the only option, " she shrugged her shoulders, "unless you'd want me to carry you."

"I think I'll pass, " I took weary steps over fallen branches, one of my hands clutched onto Persephone's hand in a death grip whilst the other held up my dress.

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