Keeping His Word

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My feet lost their ground as Mila crashed into me, her face buried in my neck as I lay on my back, "oh, Aulora, " I caught the light sniffle that escaped, "you had me thinking I'll be too late."

A groan left my parted lip as she squeezed me tighter, alarming her, "what?" Her confused self grew alert as she removed herself from me, managing herself in a seating position on top of me, wiping under her eyes and looking down, "what in the actual fu-"

"What did they do?" My anger cut off her yell as I took note of the blood sticking to her face. The busted lip was fresh, I could tell, and the deep cut going through the end of her eyebrow still oozed blood.

"Fuck, you tell me!" she shouted as she got off of me, "you look bad! Fucked up kinda bad!" She sat beside me on both her knees, examining my face with her light touch before looking down at my chest where the bandages were.

"It's nothing, Mila, I-"

"It's nothing, Mila, " Mila mocked me, "shut up, Aulora, " she rolled he eyes at my figure before she moved her gaze on the person standing closest to us, "did you do it, huh? Because I swear-"

"Mila, Rafeial had nothing to do with it, " Persephone spoke as she watched with amusement shining bright, "the bastard responsible is burning behind you." She chuckled.

Mila's gaze moved from Persephone to the burning body of Silas before finally settling in on me, "Silas, " her furrowed brows were between confusion and anger, "but why? How?"

"I'm sure Miss Murdock would certainly explain every detail, Mila Romanov, " Rafeial began as he extended his hand towards me, "but for now, I would like to get the both of you back to your pack."

I placed my hand in the warmth of Rafeial's as he pulled me up to my feet. I dusted off my backside and voiced my agreement with Rafeial, "yes, Mila, we should discuss this somewhere more, " my stare eyed our surroundings, "more private and safe." I ended softly as I tried to tame my hair with my fingers.

"Bitch, you cut your hair!" She gawked in disbelief, her jaw dropping down, "but you loved it, you said you'd never even-"

"Come on, Mila, " Persephone helped her get off the ground as she kept on muttering, mostly to herself.

"Azrael, get them out of here, " Rafeial nodded towards Persephone and Mila, "we will be right behind you after we deal with this."

"Consider it done, brother." Azrael moved towards Persephone who seemed to be calming Mila down. I caught the shift in her ocean eyes which gave away how she could calm down someone as crazy as Mila; magic.

The three of them walked away from the scene, leaving us with the wolves of Brutal Bane.

"Whilst Aulora Murdock and I have some business to attend to, " Rafeial started loud, addressing the pack, "Mikael Slade will stay to govern this pack and he will lead you as Alpha in our absence. Anyone who refuses to comply with the new Alpha shall be dealt with accordingly."

"Brighten up, mutts, " Mikael snickered at the scowling faces who seemed to be upset by the change in management, "I'll take good care of you all." He spoke sarcastically as he folded his arms across his chest, leaning against the bark of a tree.

"You have an example in front of you so think twice before you do anything that may just make you the next one, " Rafeial glared at the Majors mainly, his hand grazing my lower back as he urged me to move with him, turning our backs to them as we started to walk in the direction we came from, "and as always, beware of Slade."

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