Excuse Me Whilst I Go and Scream My Lungs Out in a Corner.

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This is not an update (sorry if that is a disappointment) but I just wanted to take a moment to process what my eyes just saw.

I literally cannot believe and had to close and refresh Wattpad twice to make sure that the number was not a glitch and that Circle Of Caim has in fact reached over 100,000 reads.

And that is a big fucking number!!! I literally just cannot function properly right now because never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined this happening because I've always doubted if it was truly worth this much. This milestone always seemed so far away and now that I'm here, it's unreal.

I am so so overwhelmed and thankful and happy and happy crying and all over the place. I feel so grateful for every one of you who have taken the time to give my story a chance. I feel so thankful to the readers that have voted and commented on multiple chapters and made me feel over the moon because of it. I also feel so grateful for the silent/ ghost readers as well.

I seriously wish I could hug and thank you all personally because it is you who made my Circle of Caim complete and it would never be the same without you all.

I appreciate you all to no ends and seriously cannot express my gratitude enough as my brain is not functioning properly (due to the over-excitement) to come up with the words to show just how thankful and happy I am.

I sincerely hope that you all will stay with me (and Aulora and Rafeial) all throughout the journey up until we end Circle of Caim and I hope to keep you all entertained to the best of my ability.

Thank you so very much once again and I love you all to no ends. Stay safe, my loves.

Yours Truly;
J. N. Light.

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