Something's Not Right

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"I have called for a meeting here to let you all know of the incident that took place just a few hours ago." Everett was on his Alpha mode. All stern and serious.

He stood there in the open space with his arms behind his back and legs apart. Shoulders back and chin up. He could make the whole pack bow down just from his presence and the authority he carries with himself.

"The Brutal Bane pack has once again taken over one of the minor packs with the population just above five hundred wolves. Over seventeen were killed and the rest were taken to imprisonment." He stopped and scanned the crowd for their reactions.

Not a second passed and the crowd's murmurs were bursting through the piercing silence. Everett just stood there letting them have a minute. His beta, Tristan, and Everett's parents were at his side.

I, on the other hand, was one of the crowd. I stood there, arms crossed, staring right ahead of me. All the noise was zoned out as I thought about the situation.

Why are they doing this? Wiping many of the minor packs. There has to be a reason for this.

Everyone has heard the rumours about them, the Brutal Bane pack, that they do this every once a while but none are sure to why they do this.

I've heard that the alpha is a ruthless bastard. Cross on his land and you have your own personal hell there.

Nothing more can be expected from them. At least that's what they all believe. I would like to think differently. I don't judge a person from the rumours I've heard, I judge from personal experience.

Most people think I'm bonkers for thinking the way I do, but that's just pure me. I like to think that.

And I think that the alpha might be a murderer but there must be something that made him this way. Once we get past that, he might just be an amazing person who can be changed for the good.

A hand on my shoulder brings me back from the world of thoughts.

"Aulora," The sound of Mila's voice makes me turn my head back to look at her. She was the same as I left her moments ago.

"Yes, darling?" I tucked the hair behind my ears as I turned around to face her fully with a slight smile, even though it didn't reach my eyes.

No words were spoken as she just grabbed my forearm and dragged me out from the middle of the pack crowd and towards space away from the panicked whispers of the pack.

Finally when in peace surrounded by darkness and in the company of forest trees, Mila's hand left my forearm taking the warmth with her as she faced me.

"Don't you think it's weird?" Her question shot through the silenced atmosphere as she paced a little. The crackling of dried up leaves was loud beneath her feet.

"What's weird?" My answer was a question itself.

Mila rolled her eye at my clueless state and stopped right in front.

"This Brutal Bane pack!" She shouted in frustration. "I'm telling you, Aulora, it's coming right towards us. Everyone is blind not to see this." Mila took a deep breath.

My breath got stuck in my throat. You could say I forgot to breathe for a second there.

There are precious people here. People I love and people I care about. Innocent lives reside here.

"What makes you think that?" I was able to ask as soon as I could breathe again.

"They started all around us, wiping out many of our allies," This was a huge pack. The Dark Dawn Pack. We had our allies and our enemies but none of them were stupid enough to attack or turn their backs. That would be foolish on their part. We had the best of warriors and wolves in training, "and after that, they started with the northern packs, slowly coming in our direction. This is the third pack!" She stressed out, pulling out three fingers in front of my face. "A few more down and they'll get us." Mila sounded in a defeated tone.

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